1 | Cecilia's Wolf

Start from the beginning

I pulled the cover up over my head right when I heard a honk outside. "That's Kayla," I announced. "Come on, Rafe, it's time to go."

He leaped off the bed to follow me as I made my way out of the room, grabbing my beach bag as I went. I took the stairs two at a time, Rafe staying right on my heels as if worried I might leave without him.

We were going to the beach with a few of my friends. Kayla was driving us there since we had left my car there the day before so we could all go to the mall, and Lisa, Taylor and Aiden were meeting us at our usual spot along the shore. It's not an ocean or anything, just a relatively large public lake just outside of town. It's about ten minutes from my house.

I kissed my dad's cheek on my way by the living room. "We're going to the beach with Kayla and the gang!" I told him with a smile as I continued towards the front door without stopping.

"Be back in time for dinner!" my mom called out from the kitchen where she was washing up the dishes from breakfast earlier.

"We will!" I replied, holding the door open for Rafe to go through and then closing it behind us.

Kayla's small, rusted red car was idling at the curb, her blonde, curvy body sitting behind the wheel. She whistled when she saw me coming down the driveway. "Hey, sexy lady!" she yelled out the window as Rafe and I made our way to her car.

Kayla is your typical blonde. Her hair is straight and cut in a bob, she has brown eyes and her body is slightly curvy. The boys chase her around the school like dogs after a bone and she plays right along.

"Hey, gorgeous," I played along as I opened the back door for Rafe. He laid across the back seat and rested his head on his paws, accustomed to the car rides with Kayla. When I drive my car, he gets to sit up front. "Are you ready for some sun?"

"Hell yeah I am!" she exclaimed. "Now get your ass in the car before it all disappears!"

I rolled my eyes as I slid into the passenger seat, making sure that she saw it. I slid my seatbelt around myself, clicking it tightly into the holder. Kayla drives kind of crazy. She has never crashed, but sometimes I think it's only a matter of time.

Rafe was silent and still in the back seat as we began the short ride to the beach, country music playing softly on the radio and Kayla complaining about her latest boyfriend. I don't know his name; she changes boyfriends almost every week. If one ever stays longer, I'll memorize his name. This one didn't sound like he was going to be the first, though.

We were the last to arrive. Lisa, Taylor and Aiden were already there and waiting for us, blankets spread out and a cooler resting in the sand beside it. Kayla had another in her trunk that held some food.

Lisa is our resident redhead with the temper to match. It doesn't take a whole lot to set her off into a tailspin of anger. She has pale skin and freckles, she's short and tiny, but she is definitely a spitfire, despite her size.

Taylor is a brunette like me, but she has wavy hair while mine tends to curl more. Her eyes are brown to match her hair and she has an innocence that radiates from her. She's just sweet and adorable.

Aiden, well, he's something else. He has dark brown hair, pin straight and slightly shaggy. He's pretty tall, right around six feet, with a toned body and a six pack. Yeah, I can admit that he's one sexy hunk of man meat. No, I have never dated him, nor do I want to. He's like a brother to me and that would just be gross.

If I had to describe them all in one word, it would be pretty simple. Kayla is flirty, Lisa is temperamental, Taylor is shy and Aiden is a man-whore. That last one is a bit harsh, but it's true. He bounces around girls more than Kayla does guys.

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