Prologue | Cecilia's Wolf

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    Kill him, Rafe growled angrily.  Rip his throat out and splatter the street with his blood!

    While I may be a Beta in my pack, I was born to the alpha pair, meaning that I do have alpha blood.  That makes Rafe incredibly angry with disrespect, human or wolf.

    I cannot kill a human, Rafe and you know it, I retorted right as the animal control officer started trying to yank me back to his truck.  I dug my feet into the ground and snapped at his legs, trying to scare him into dropping the pole so that I could get back in the woods and untangle myself from this horrible contraption.

    It didn't work.  The poles were designed for feral dogs, keeping me a safe distance away from him and by the victorious grin on his face, he knew it.  With a resigned growl, I allowed the man to drag me to the truck and shove me unceremoniously in the back, slamming the door before I could even think about turning around and trying to escape.

    I sat back on my haunches with a huff, really not wanting to tell Eli what had happened.  It was unavoidable, though.  I would need someone to come get me out of this.  Although, I could probably wait until nighttime, shift and break out myself when the officers weren't in the building.

    There was still the matter of the rogue, though.  Eli would need to know to send someone else after it and he would want to know why I couldn't finish the job.  There was no way around it; Eli was going to have to know about this.  I groaned, sinking down on the hard metal floor to lie down and covering my muzzle with my paws.  I was never going to live this down.

    It took only minutes to reach the pound.  It was located in an ugly gray building with a sign nailed to the door, proudly proclaiming "Andrus City Dog Pound".  The concrete building was drab, making this horrible day even worse. 

    I was once again wrangled into the stupid metal collar and dragged into the pound.  Angry, I lashed out, attempting in vain to snap at the officer's legs once more while he kicked at me and swore until he'd shoved me into a tiny crate that I could barely stand in.

    I tried to maneuver myself into a more comfortable position, only managing to make a lot of noise slamming my body into the sides with the attempt.  Have these places always been so inhumane?  If people could see these things from my point of view, they'd be changing the design. 

    Jackson, what's going on? Eli asked.  I haven't heard back from you.

    I sighed, knowing that there was no way around this conversation, no matter how much I truly wished that there was.  You're going to have to send someone else after that rogue, Eli, I told him.  I got held up.

    I could tell Eli was confused by the statement.  There's not much that could deter me from hunting down a rogue and he knew it.  What are you talking about?  What happened?  he asked.

    I growled slightly before admitting, The rogue made it into town and I got caught by animal control before I could change and get into some clothes.

    There was silence for maybe thirty seconds before I could practically hear Eli's laughter through the link.  The asshole was probably face down on his desk with tears falling like a waterfall.  I didn't think that this was funny in the slightest.

    My attention was distracted when I saw a middle-aged couple walk through the doors and head straight for the desk.  I half listened as they explained that they were looking for a dog for their daughter's birthday.  I rolled my eyes, tuning out their conversation.  They were probably looking for a puny lapdog that would fit in their daughter's purse.

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