15 (Edited)

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    It was now a couple days away from Thanksgivings Day. I was excited. This would be the first one that Malcolm and I share. My human family and friends were joining my werewolf family and friends for this gracious. I always loved Thanksgiving. Not because of the food, even though the food was great, but because it reminded me of how blessed I am to have the life that I have. I have an amazing career, an amazing family, amazing friends and support group, and an amazing mate named Malcolm. I couldn't ask for anything else. I hadn't forgotten about the whole incident with Sheen, but I had decided to let it go and wait until Malcolm was ready to tell me. But honestly, I wasn't going to wait much longer.

"Liv sweetie!! Can you come downstairs please?" I saved the paper I was working on and set my laptop to the side. "Coming mom!"

"Hurry hurry!!!" I rolled my eyes and ran down the flight of stairs. My mom was in the living room, pacing with the phone clutched tightly in her hands. Her eyes gleamed brightly with joy and excitement. "What's up mom?" I plopped down on the couch only to jump back up when she told me the news. "You are performing at the Superbowl Halftime Show!!!!"

I just couldn't believe it. "No friggin way!!! Are you kidding because that would be a cruel joke?" MY mom just laughed. "No sweetie I'm so serious, they just called me and asked if you could do it. They were originally going to have Justin perform, but he declined and requested that you do it." Oh my Justin did this for me? I wasn't sure how I felt about him helping me, but I was super stoked about performing. I had always wanted to do the Superbowl when the Cowboys were in it. They were from Texas and that's my second home when I'm not traveling or in Australia.

"Oh gosh I have to Call everybody and let them know so they can get ready. We need to leave tomorrow for rehearsals and sound-check and make sure the cheerleaders know the dances to. Oh gosh I have to cancel with Malcolm!" Dang I was so excited to do Thanksgivings with Malcolm. "Don't worry about it dear. I will have everything and everybody set  up and ready to go. You can go call Malcolm and let him know what's going on." I sighed and went upstairs dreading the call that was about to happen.

I reached my room and pressed one on my speed dial. "Hey babe what's up?" I couldn't help but smile at the sound of his voice even in my sour mood. "I have some good news and bad news. Which one do you want first?" I knew he was worried by the tone of my voice, but I was very nervous on how this conversation was going to turn out. I knew he wasn't going to hurt me especially since we aren't talking face to face. But I didn't know what to expect. "Umm... Good news I guess."

I took a deep breath. "Well good news is that I was asked to perform the halftime show for the Superbowl." I couldn't help the cheesiness I felt saying those words. "That is wonderful babe, I'm so proud of you! But what's the bad news?" Oh great I was hoping he would figure it out by now since he was a major football fan. "Well the Superbowl is on Thanksgivings so I won't be able to celebrate it with you guys. We are all leaving tomorrow to get ready for everything since it is on short notice."

"Babe is that what has you so worried? You think I'm gonna be mad at you for not spending time with me on Thanksgivings Day? I am soo proud of you and all that you have accomplished. Yeah it's a little upsetting that you won't be here. But I can still watch you on the TV and so will the  pack. I know they will support you. Don't worry we still have a whole lot of holidays to celebrate with each other." I let out a relieved sigh. "Thank goodness. I know how much it meant to you that I be there and I didn't want to disappoint you, or make the pack seem like I didn't care for them." He just laughed. "Baby they know you care, don't worry. You just focus on your show and do your best out there. We will be cheering you from home. I gotta go my dad is calling me, but I'll talk to you later."

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