12 (Edited)

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Briiiiiinnnnnggggggg Brrrriiiiinnnngggg Brrriiiiiiinnnngg- SLAP!!!

"Ughh!" I rolled over in bed and tucked my head under my pillow. When I walk in the spot, this is what I see. Everybody stops and they staring at me. I got passion in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it, show it, show- "Hello?"

"Did you see the news and the internet? There are reporters all outside my house and most likely yours." I sat up real quick. "What do you mean reporters?"

"Someone recorded you talking to that paparazzi guy about us and posted all over the internet and now it's on the news. Why didn't you call me? He made you upset and I could have made you happy." I smiled. Of course that was all he was thinking about, me being hurt or upset.

"You aren't mad that I talked about you to the paparazzi?" He laughed on the other side. "No babe I'm not mad. I am actually very happy with what you said about me." I sighed in relief.

"Good I was scared you were gonna freak out and run away from all the attention." He laughed. "No I'm fine. I'm worried about the others though. They will have to be very careful when they want to go on runs. There are too many reporters in this town."

"Yeah sorry about that again." I didn't want the pack to suffer because of me. I knew that they needed to run daily and this was causing problems for them. "It's fine love. What are you doing today? Do you want to hang out? We could go see a movie or go to the park... Yeah."

"Oh shoot I totally forgot. Tomorrow is Halloween."

"Yeah it is soo?"

"Well every Halloween Ryan Seacrest throws a huge Halloween Bash in Hollywood and I'm performing my new single there." There was silence. I grew nervous. "That sounds like fun. I hope you have a fun time tomorrow then."

I laughed at the jealousy in his.voice. "You are coming with me of course. And Jace and Mary if she is allowed. I told Taylor about you last night and she has to meet you."

There was silence. " Really? We can come with you?"

"Yeah you can come. I wasn't just going to leave you behind. I thought this would be a nice mini vacation for us. I wish I could bring the whole pack, but I think people would get suspicious if I brought 200 people as my plus one instead of three." He was laughing and I smiled. "Yeah that would be a sight to see. When are we leaving?"  

I had to think about it. "Umm I have to get ready and pack. I have to wait for everybody else to get ready and pack. So how about meet at my house in about two hours. Oh and you have to have a costume, it's a must. Make sure you pack clothes till Sunday I wanna take you somewhere special." 

"Olivia Marie McCoy, are you suggesting that you plan on taking me on a date. I thought was supposed to do that." He was joking by the tone of his voice, but I could tell he was very curious as to what I had planned. "Yes but I know LA very well and I want to share my experiences with you while we are there. Don't worry next time you can pick our date." I could he was smiling through the phone.

"Deal. I have to go let Jace, Mary, and my dad know of the plans and have them get ready. I'll see you soon babe." I loved it when he called me babe. "Yeah OK I'll see you soon.'

We hung up and I got out of bed and headed to the hall pounding on every door I passed to get to the stairs. "Wake up fools and start packing we leave in two hours." I could hear some groans and protests but ignored them and went downstairs to see if the cook could start making breakfast for us. 

(2 Hours Later)

We were all sitting down at the dining room table bag by the door as we waited for the food to finish getting ready. Jacob was bagging on Anna about her snoring habits and how she eats. It was pretty hilarious. "Jacob, you shouldn't be complaining about how Anna eats when you eat like any second the cookie monster is gonna come and snatch it away, and eat it in front of your face while you sit there tied to the chair." He looked so horrified at the thought that he just sat there pouting and glaring at the table, with everyone else chuckling at my comment. See Jacob has this weird phobia with the cookie monster. I don't know why but something happened when he was little and the cookie monster just scares him. So when he is being mean or something we just mention the cookie monster and he straightens up. 

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