5 (Edited)

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(Malcolm POV)

It had been three days since I had made a fool of myself in front of my mate. To tell you the truth, I don't know why I ran away. Maybe I was intimidated by her success and beauty, maybe I didn't feel worthy of being in her presence, or maybe I was just a wimp. All I know is she was so beautiful and cool, and I made myself look like a jerk by just walking away like I didn't care. And to make it even worse, Jace wouldn't stop laughing at me like it was the funniest thing ever. I was trying to understand how the moon goddess put us two together. I mean she was the sexiest being on the human planet, and I am just me. I mean I know I am good-looking, but she is so beautiful there are no words to describe.

I had gone out for a run to clear my mind. I needed to think about what I was gonna do about this situation. I mean I know I didn't want to reject her, I was already in love with her. But how was I gonna tell her we were mates and that she had to give up everything to help me run my pack. I couldn't do that to her. I didn't even know how I was gonna get the chance to even talk to her without everybody swarming her. I didn't even know if she would accept me. I couldn't handle it if she rejected me.

Hey bro are you gonna come home and watch the interview with us?

It was my sister. Livvy was scheduled to be on Ellen today and we were gonna watch her. Ever since I saw her I had been watching all her shows, music videos, and movies, listening to all her music. Anything I could find.

Yeah I'll be there in a bit.

I ran back to the house and put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I sat down on the couch next to Jace and Mary mumbling about some guy. I didn't really care. I was focused on the TV as Ellen came on. Everybody was cheering as my mate walked onto the set and sat down next to Ellen.

"Hey Livvy how are you?"

"I'm great Ellen, how are you?"

"Oh I'm great! OK so let's talk about the MTV Movie Awards. Did you have fun? Did you enjoy yourself? I heard that you were stressed out because Brad Pitt was gonna be there?"



"Well because they were like are you ready to perform? So the front row you know there will be Brad Pitt, Channing Tatum- all these people and I'm like NO I don't wanna perform. I was so nervous and that stresses me out. But it was fine I actually ended up-I got to meet Brad Pitt so..."

She looked so excited and happy just saying that.

"No it's more than you met Brad Pitt, it's better story than that."

"Yeah. So I was in my dressing room and I just finished performing,and um they knocked on my door, and they said um Brad Pitt would like to come in. And I was like well he could come in. So.. Haha... I was trying to play cool and be really nice and then, as soon as he walked out I ran and I hide under the craft service table for like two minutes because I couldn't believe it was happening. "

Everybody in the audience was laughing, even me at how silly she was.

"He wanted a picture with you right? "

"Yeah, he was like can I have a picture with you? And I was like oh my gosh can I have a picture with you? Like I was just... Yeah. But his kids were fans of the show so. "

"So he took a picture with you for his phone, Did you get one for your phone? "

"No. I was- it was just very- a lot was happening and I just- he's so pretty."

I growled jealously at hearing her say another man was pretty. My sister laughed at me patting my arm to calm me down.

"Yeah. He is pretty."

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