11 (Edited)

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Its been a month and a half now so that means it is now October. And let me tell you this.... I AM IN LOVE!!!!!!! I know. It hasn't been that long since me and Malcolm got together, but he was just so lovable. He has been the sweetest to me, always treating me like a queen. When I first agreed to be his mate I was really nervous to see how this turned out. But once we made the announcement to the pack and told my mom and dad everything. And yes I mean EVERYTHING. I felt better with how happy everybody was. We had been going on dates continuously when I had the time. And it wasn't easy. I'm working on songs for my new album and working with the dance team for competitions, and he has his Alpha duties since his dad gave the pack over to him. So it was hard, but we worked through it. We went on our dates and eventually we got to the marking. Yes you heard right, he marked me. We haven't mated yet because I'm not ready. In fact I don't know when I'll ever be ready to mate with him fully. Do you not understand why I want to mate with him yet? Well let me tell you why.


3 weeks ago

Malcolm and I had just gotten back from our walk through the park, and we were hanging out in my  room. I was on Facebook and he was sitting on my bed playing with the bear he won me from the carnival he took me to last week. "Livvy can I talk to you about something?" I looked at him and he was serious. I nodded and sat down on the bed next to him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong per se. I-I just feel like we have been having a great time with each other." I nodded for him to continue. "I lo-like you a lot. Like a lot. And you are my mate, and I know I wont want anybody else." He paused. I waited patiently to see where this was going." I think it's time we take our relationship to the next level. I want to mark you." 

I sat there for a while thinking about how I felt about that. Am I ready to be marked by him? Am I ready for him to have that kind of control over me? I guess I was because I said OK. He grabbed me and put me so that I was straddling his hips and kissed me softly. We continued kissing till it got a little more heavy and I couldn't go on or else I would have passed out from loss of air. I was breathing heavily as he peppered kisses along my jaw and down my neck to the spot I guess he was gonna mark me and slowly licked that part of my neck. "Please Mal, just do it." I breathed out. 

"It's gonna hurt a little at first Liv, just relax." His canines came out and  he pierced them into my skin breaking it and releasing blood. He took in some of blood, and then released his pheromones into my bloodstream, allowing his scent to mask with mine so everybody knew he was mine. And I will admit it hurt like a bitch. But then I got all tingly and felt the pit of my stomach jolt in pleasure. I couldn't help myself and moaned. I started grinding my lower half into his as I panted like a bitch in heat. He released himself from my neck and licked the wound closed causing me to moan even louder. He kissed his way up my neck grinding along with me. He kissed along my jaw until finally he made it back to my lips. This kiss was even more fiery than any of the others we had done. 

I broke from him to take off his shirt as he took of mine. It was like he couldn't get it off fast enough, so he just ripped it. I brought my mouth back to his kissing him with everything I had. He laid my back on the bed and laid on me without putting all his weight on me. He trailed back down my neck giving me a chance to breathe and kissed down the valley in between my breasts. "Please Mal... Take it off." I kept grinding myself on him as he just breathed on my skin, teasing me. Then he got up and went into the bathroom. I sat up confused by what was happening. Did he not want me? What did I do wrong? Was it something I said? I was going over what happened when he came back into my room looking normal.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop? Was it something I said?" He just shook his head and came to sit on his knees in between my legs. "You didn't do anything wrong Livvy. I just had to stop us before we went too far. I didn't want to rush you into mating with me."

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