10 (Edited)

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(Malcolm POV)

"I thought about what we talked about and I made a decision.. *sigh*.. I want- *murmuring*- I gotta go, but I'll talk to you later. Bye" BEEP

I couldn't stop listening to that message and it was driving me crazy. I wanted to know what she was gonna say. Was she gonna accept me? Was she gonna reject me? Goddess I needed to know asap so I could stay sane. She sent that message on Monday, today was Wednesday and she still hasn't showed up. I have been watching her twitter to see if she was gonna mention anything about what she was doing or if her song had been a success but there wasn't.

I missed her. Maybe I should call her. Yeah that's it I should call her. Maybe she has been waiting for me to call her back. Gosh now I feel stupid. All this time I had been worried when I could have just called her and talked to her. I dialed Livvy's number and waited while it rang.

"Hello?" I took a breath of relief. "Hey Livvy it's me Malcolm."

"Hey what's up?" She sounded a little breathless. I hope I was the cause of that. "Oh nothing much. I was just listening to your message for the millionth time today wondering what you were going to say. And then I was worried because you haven't been at school for almost a week and I needed to make sure you were OK. And then I realized that I could have just called or texted you this whole time. So yeah I called and now I realize that I'm rambling, so I'm just gonna stop."

Very smooth Mal. I was so embarrassed, but hearing that laugh made it worth it. "It's OK. I'm glad you called. We played the song for Josh and he loved it. Then all day yesterday we had the label listen to the song and various census groups to see if it would be a song good enough to make he charts and it was!!" I was filled with so much pride for my mate and her success. "That's great Livvy, I'm proud of you."

It was silent for a moment. "Thank you. That means a lot really." I couldn't help but smile my biggest smile. "No problem. So what are you doing today?"

"Oh I got home really late last night so I decided to stay home and relax my mind and throat before I go back to school tomorrow. What are you doing today?"

"I decided to stay home and help my dad with some pack stuff. I couldn't be bothered to go to school. It reminded me that you weren't there and... I-I missed you." I could here the smile in her voice as she talked. "Well there is still a lot we need to talk about. Is it OK if I come over?"

I couldn't help myself and fist pumped into the air. "Yeah of course you can come over. This would be great too. You could meet everybody too. They all already know that you are my mate but they don't know that I told you yet. The only people who know that is my dad, Jace, and Mary." it was silent for a while. "Livvy?"

"Oh sorry I nodded." I couldn't help but laugh. "Shut up it's not funny. But I'll come by. Be there in say 20 minutes?" I nodded. "Malcolm?"

"Oh sorry I nodded too." I started laughing as she huffed and probably rolled her eyes. "Whatever bye." She hung up and I got ready. I put on a fitted black t-shirt and some cargo shorts with my black Jordan's. I checked myself in the mirror to make sure that I looked good enough and headed downstairs. A lot of people had ditched school today and Jace was one of them. Everybody that was downstairs looked at me when I came into the room.

"OK guys and gals. Livvy is coming over. She should be here in about 5 minutes. Please no shifting when she is in sight and act normal. No Luna stuff until she makes her decision." DING DONG. The doorbell rang. I walked to the door and opened it. Livvy had on a black and white skull t-shirt with a dark blue and red flannel on top with some dark blue jean shorts and black boots. She had multiple necklaces on and bracelets around her wrist and a blue beanie on her curled head.

"Hey! You look beautiful." I hugged her as she came through he door. "Thanks you look very handsome." I couldn't help but blush a little. "Follow me through here. I have some friends that I would like for you to meet." We walked back into the living room where everybody was either watching tv, playing board games, or talking to others. I cleared my throat and got everybody's attention.

"Guy's this is Olivia McCoy. Livvy this the pa- my friends and family." You could tell they were already smitten with just her beauty. "Hi! It's nice to meet you guys. Just call my Livvy." She flashed them her award winning smile and everybody was in a trance. I cleared my throat to snap them out when I noticed Livvy become a little uncomfortable.

"Hey!" "Hi!" "Livvy!" Everybody gave there own greetings and introduced themselves to her. She talked with all of them and laughed and joked around. I could tell she really liked them all genuinely. Jace was telling some story about me when we were younger and that's where I had to shut it down.

"OK guys you can talk to Livvy later. We need to talk for now." Everybody groaned in protest, but I gave them the stern look. Livvy giggled and everybody looked at her in amazement and left the room. I motioned for her to follow me up to my room.

She wandered around my room looking around as I sat on my bed and stared at her. She was so beautiful. Even when she bummed it she looked amazing. She had this glow to her that just drew people in. I loved that about her, but I was also scared because a guy might like her and take her from me. Of course I would die fighting for her, I'm just scared that she might go willingly and not want me to fight. "Is this your mother?" I saw her holding a picture frame of me when I was 10 and my mom holding me from behind smiling into the camera. I got up and stood right behind her looking over her shoulder to see the picture.

"Yeah that's her. We went camping that weekend. I was very mischievous back then. Always pulling pranks on everybody. My mother was the same. We usually did them together. Jace, and my dad were our biggest targets. Mary was supposed to take the picture of my dad and Jace when they came out. We planted a bomb in the kitchen to explode flour and syrup and feathers all over them and it worked. We ran out the house and I didn't see the stick and tripped. She had picked me up and was laughing when she kept running. Mary had taken the picture trying to capture me falling, but got that instead."

She nodded smiling a little. "She was very beautiful. Do you miss her?" I looked at Livvy. "Yeah all the time. It's gotten better, but I still wish she was here then she would have gotten to meet you. And I'm sure she would have loved you being my mate."

"Yeah we need to talk about that." I was nervous but nodded anyways leading her to my bed. She sat down next to me. "So I have been thinking about this a lot. And I have just one question?"

"Yeah yeah anything you want." She looked away and took a couple deep breaths. "My career is very important to me. I'm young and have a lot that I want to do. If I was to be your mate. How would this all work for you, for me, for us?" That was a good question.

"You could still do what you want. You would just have to have a lot of bodyguards. And as mates we can't be apart for a very long time so sometimes I will be with you when you shoot a movie or go on tour. There may be times when I need you here for the pack. We can work it out." She was quiet as she thought about it. She nodded her head. "OK."

I was confused. "OK?" She looked at me smiling and nodded. "Yeah I'm willing to try this out. I want to be your mate. But we have to go slow." I was so happy I couldn't help myself. I kissed her. It was the best kiss I had ever experienced. She was shocked at first but then she let go and gave it her all. I had to pull away before we moved to fast.

My breathing was hard and so was hers. "Thank you so much. You wont regret it. You are my mate and it is my duty to treat you as a queen. I will do anything in my power to keep that smile on your beautiful face and keep you happy." She smirked. "Anything?" I nodded.

"Then kiss me." I smiled and leaned in to kiss her. And that's how our journey to life long happiness started.



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