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It's been 6 months since Liv lost the baby. She and jake along with Ralph graduated school. Ralph took the offer from ULA, on a baseball scholarship. He started dating a girl, he thinks it might be a serious thing.

Mom and Geo decided to put their difrences aside and be civil. I'm still stuck in highschool, I miss Olivia. She and Jake got married right after he finished boot camp in chicago. It was a beautiful small yet big wedding. Jake was stationed in Hawaii, so that's where they're at... Beautiful Hawaii. We just got the news that they're expecting! We're all so excited!

"hey Soph! " Liv greeted me on Skype.

"hey! Soooo????"

"it's a boooooyyyyyy" shouted Jake. We all laughed in excitement.

"that's great! Miss you guys..."

"miss you too, your coming soon right ?"

"Hope so!" we stayed chatting for a few hours. Life was getting itself back to normal. In someway.

Dad was found guilty and served a few months. Grandma and grandpa now disown him, after finding out everything else their son 'forgot' to tell them. Last I heard he'd been bumming it in front of a Walmart down on chinowith.

Although Liv has moved on, her life can only get better. She's been through so much pain, I don't even think Aaron spelling could've came up with it for a show. No matter I love my sister, and my brother(s) of coarse. Liv will always be there for me, rather it be here or 100,000 miles away, I have her, she has me... No matter what!



thank you for reading. I know it wasn't all that great but I tried :)

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