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Winter was here. I was in basketball practice, coach was really working us hard. Everyone thought it was funny that Olivia was bad at basketball, but great at soccer, and I was bad at soccer, but great at basketball. Ralphy, however, is great at every sport. He's just not great at good grades.

Since I was in basketball and Livia was in soccer, and Ralph had hotten a job working at Jacob's work, everyone was hardly home all together at the sametime,except for dinner time.

Jacob had scholarships for every sport. He did football with Ralphy in the fall, wrestling in the winter, and baseball in the spring. Ralphy was a football, basketball and baseball player. Olivia was the only one dedicated to volleyball and soccer. I just liked basketball.

      At dinner time, we were all sitting at the dinner table fixing our plates while dad went on about some case the team was perusing. My dad was a lawyer. He mainly handled insurance claimed and small thing like that. Mom was talking about some new girl she was training at the hospital. Mom was a pediatric nurse. Strictly baby's are her patients. Ralphy kept making jokes about things dad and mom would talk about. We usually laughed, but recently Liv was distant. Hardly eating, just seemed out of it.

"Honey, what's wrong?" mom asked her. Liv had her head down focused on her glass of juice. Her plate consisted of a small spoon full of mashed potatoes, a dinner roll and a very small amount of green beans. Ralph and I looked at each other. I shrugged, instigating I had no idea what was wrong, but I did. I turned back to face Liv, her face turned to rage.  

"May I be excused? I'm not feeling too well." she said calmly not taking her eyes off her glass.

"MOOOOM, MOM......MOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!" I shouted for her when I came in from practice. No answer. Why do moms do that? They never hear you when your calling them, or when they call you down stairs, you yell back asking what and never answer till you go to where they're at. Then when whrn you mumble something she knows what you said. What the fuck man.


"What?" she finally answered.  

" where's my vaccination card? Coach needs it." 

"oh hold on Sandra," she covered the phone with her hand," ummm check the office, the file cabinet next to the computer!" she returned to her phone call. Wow, the file cabinets? They where off limits from us.

"What are you doing?" Olivia asked me. She stood in the door way her short spandex shorts and her black hoodie sweater. Her hair pulled up in her thick messy bun. Her shinny diamond earings shinning. Jacob bought them for her birthday, along with a bunch of other things, and he's got more surprises for her for Christmas. Damn it she was lucky.  

" I'm looking for my vaccination card, don't you need yours too?"

"Oh, yea, I do actually," she walked in and placed her glass of milk on the coaster that was on top of the desk. She helped look in the cabinets. We couldn't find them. She opened the cabinet that was at the very bottom. She pulled out an orange file, Ralphy's name was on the tab.

"Whoa, mom has a copy of our records.....what is this? Look," I stood reading over her shoulder, "it's kinda like our permanent record, mom version though." she chuckled "Look here's proof that our brothers smart," there was a graded math test from Ralph's first grade year. Everything was marked wrong, even his name. We started laughing. She pulled out a purple file. It was hers. She looked at the papers, her eyebrows pulled together, she took a paper out and dropped the file. I turned to her and asked her what was wrong, she just ran passed me, down the stairs and right into moms face. I stood at the bottom of the stairs and watched as moms face turned pale, as if she seen a ghost. Olivia held up the paper. I heard her asking "what the fuck is this shit!?" I never heard her speak that way to mom before.

Later that night mom decided to pretend like nothing happened. She and dad decided to go out to dinner. Jacob came over, he and Ralph where in the game room playing tge new call if duty for a bit, then since Liv was locked in her room, he decided to try to talk to her. I over heard him doing his best to comfort her. It hurt so much to hear them both sad and upset. Jake was upset that she was upset. I walked past her door,

"Soph," I turned around, closing the door behind him, Jake had tears rolling down his face. I gave him a hug, wether he wanted it or not. I felt him tense his muscles. I let go,"I'm sorry, just usually when I'm upset that helps." I told him.  

"Yea, I'm sorry, I'm just really mad, I don't know why she's upset. It's bothering me. 

"Do you know what's bothering her?" he quietly asked. I backed away and stared at her door... I told him that I had an idea, but I wasn't sure. 

"can you tell me," he had his puppy dog eyes. This boy knew what worked on me. I looked down and nodded my head toward my room. He walked in and sat on my bed. A worried look came on his face. I sat at my mini desk chair. I placed one leg up, hugging it, I stared into his eyes.

"I don't know exactly why she's sad, but I think it has to do with a paper she found in her file the othe day." 

"Her file at school?" he raised his eyebrow. 

I shook my head, " no the file mom and dad keep in the office, it's like records and stuff they saved." 

He nodded, "oh, what's on the paper?"

"Honestly..... I don't know, I just overheard her and mom arguing, what was said I'm not sure." his eyes met mine. "Thanks Sophie," he stood up and kissed my cheek. He went back into Olivia's room.

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