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"Why can't you be honest with me!" Jake yelled at her. " Livia, please just fuckin tell me what's going on?!"

" Nothing is going on! Why can't you just drop it?!" she yelled back.

"Because you don't just all of a sudden get hurt like that!"

  Olivia walked away with her crutches in hand. Jacob stood there fuming with rage. Ralph walks up and asks what's going on. No one knows what's going on, but I do, only Olivia doesn't want me to say anything. I don't want this for her, I'm torn between keeping things 'normal' or possibly hurting people with the truth.

"Sophia, you know don't you?" Jacob asked me...

Here it is... The moment I've been dreading, Olivia, please.... Why!?

   She had just gotten home from the E.R. She had supposably had a trip on the stairs 2 weeks ago, she ironically slipped on ice last week, is when she can't lie. 

  Mom had gone to grandmas for the day, she was coming back tomorrow at noon, Ralph and Jake were going to take me christmas shopping. Liv wasnt feeling good so she stayed home while dad was finishing up work. Jake helped me choose something for Olivia, and Raulph. Raulphy went on to do his shopping, cause it was for me. We spent all afternoon shopping, shopping with boys isn't usualy fun, but these two make it fun. I took a picture of Jacob trying on a silly hat and he posed like zoolander. I sent it to Liv, she never replied.

 As we pulled up, I ran through the door, I heard a strange noise. I slowly walked up the stairs, headed towards Liv's room. I heard her crying, I pushed the door opened a bit, I saw him beating her. I tried to make a move or a sound, but I couldn't I felt unable to move. I saw him heading towards her door I slowly walked towards my room. I tried not to make a sound. I didn't want him to know I saw.

  I slowly walked out of my room listening, making sure it was ok, I heard the guys down stairs. Clueless how I was. I peeked in to see her laying on her bed, sobbing. I saw the red mark on her face, he slapt her, hard...I felt like I could feel the sting on my face just by looking at it. She looked up at me, afraid, she put her fingure against her lips.."shhhh" I nodded. I did whatever I could to make the guys not go upstairs.

    During lunch the next day, I headed to the table that she sat at during lunch."Hey Liv, can I talk to you for a sec?" She looked up, her black eye, how could anyone buy that stupid excuse 'I ran into an elbow during soccer'. She nodded, we walked away from everyone.

"When are your going to talk to me about last night?"

"What so you mean?" really? What the fuck ?

"Yea, I saw what he did...Why? Has it happened before?" I started to get angry, and a bit loud. She looked around, then said, "Look we'll talk about it later ok..not now, please?" I nodded.

"Bleechers, 7th period, meet me at the bleechers" She said. I nodded again. "You need me to get you out?" I shook my head. "I'll be there."

           Seventh period came, I got excused from freshman study hall. I walked heading to the field. My surprise, Jake had P.E, that boy loved sport, P.E was and class filler for him. We watched Jake run around shirtless. Even though it was freezing, the boys still played there football.

"So?" I asked..

"So? what?"

"Liv....out with it, what the hell happend?"

"You remeber that day we were looking for our vaccination cards?" I nodded, "You remeber how I found my file, that paper I took out?"

"The one you shoved in moms face...yea what was it?"

"Adoption papers..." her eyes following Jake.

"What?! Adoption papers? You're not?"

"NO, umm I'm your sister, your half sister, apparently." Confussion on my face, "Come again?" I said.

"Turns out Roberto Carmello and mom weren't married when they had Ralphy.They broke up right after or something, she started dating someone got pregnant with me, told Robert that I was his when she found out she I was swimmig in her cooch. I dont know how she got Rob to marry her, but she did, then you were born." I looked around so confused, hard to understand what she just said.

" She came out after the wedding that there was a chance I wasnt his, he said he already knew, decided to make me his...." Pain in her eyes, she looked at me, "You know all these years, it's never been this bad. I never understood, why me?" she shook her head, " I thought maybe he just hated me, or maybe he did the same thing to Ralphy, but no...Just me...because i'm not his." she had a side smile, "I'm the bastard of this family,"....."...I guess," she added," My biological dad was looking for me not too long ago, he paid mom a visit, made a scene apparently. Funny, I don't know who he is, what he looks like, or why? why did he bail, or why not at least take an intrest in his kid?"

  I just stared at her, tears leaking down my cheek,"but why does he hit you? how long?"

"8th grade, and I honestly don't know why he hits me when he does, I just know that's the reasonhe soes it to me and not you guys." "sophie, please don't say anyhting," I looked at her, "What the fuck? are you fuckin stupid? why the hell not? Fucksake, look at you, your depressed al the time, your always hurt..."

"Do you want Raplh and Jake to get introuble for doing something stupid because they're angry?" she added,"pfft, i'd rather take the licks then have anything bad happen to those two.."

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