A sister's Love

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Part 1


"Are you ready yet princess!?"

"Hold on I forgot something!" I shouted at my dad as I ran inside to Olivia's bedroom. I picked up the gift i made her, I wrapped it in a pretty pastel pink wrapping paper, tied around it was a brown ribbon and a pretty brown bow on top. I grabbed snuggles, she loved her stuff bear. Jacob had given her snuggles one year for a valentines day gift; seeing as how he destroyed the one uncle Geo gave her when she was younger, I picked him up and ran down the stairs and zoomed out the door and right into dads suv.

"Hey squirt, what's that?" asked Jake. He was already seated in the back while dad got into the drivers seat and Ralphy on the passenger seat up front.

"I made Olivia something, hopefully it'll make her happy..."

"What did you make princess?" asked dad

"I made her a book, my own get well book for her.."

"That's nice of you, I bet she's gonna love it" Jacob said and winked at me.

     Jacob was Ralphys and Olivia's best friend. Technically he was best friends with Ralphy first, they're the same age and Olivia's a year younger then them, Jacob and Ralphy became best friends after little league, they always did sports. Olivia had a huge crush on Jacob and from how Ralph tells the story, Jacob was crazy about Liv. Jacob was kind of another brother to me, well to all of us really, only the whole thing with Liv obviously was more than that, but he always stood up for me when Ralphy teased me, or even when a boy at my school made me cry. That day when I got home from school Olivia and Jacob where in the kitchen, I tried to dodge them but of corse big sisters... She caught me. They asked what happened when I told them Jacob left to pick up Ralphy from school, that day Ralph had to stay after practice for disreaspecting the coach, then when they came home Jake said that if that boy did anything to me again to let him or Ralphy know. The next day at school I ran into the boy, he saw me and turned around...never said a word to me... ever!

     As we got to the elevator, I looked up at Jacob, he made a funny face, I guess to lighten up the mood... He did that a lot. I giggled cause he knows what faces I like. Ralphy stood in front of me and walked towards Olivia's room, he did this so I wouldn't see any of the other patients, his way of bieng a 'protective' brother I guess. My brother Ralphy and Jake were really tall guys, not to mention super strong too. One time Liv and I were playing water war with them, they would pick Liv up and throw her back and fourth, and with me they both were able to pick me up with one arm. They're a lot of fun.

   We walked in her room, mom was asleep on the chair, Liv was up and wide awake. She was skimming through a glamour magazine that I'm guessing Alexis brought over. She's been best friends with her since before I was born. You could say I had a lot of brothers and sisters then, I mean Ralphy and all his friends and Olivia and her friends wich coensidantly are all friends with each other.That's high school for you. Liv looked up, her eyes met mine, she had the biggest smile on her face. I couldn't help but hug her and I started to tear up. I didn't like seeing my big sister like this. Her dark brown hair set in a perfect high messy bun, her bangs swept to her right side almost covering her eye, but not really. She looked pale with baggy dark circles. I stared at her as she gave Ralphy and my dad a hug.

"Hey you, why are youstanding over there?" she asked Jake. He was still at the door way his hands forming into fists. His eyes looked heavily glossy, I knew what he was thinking.

" Are you going to come give me a kiss at least?" she quietly asked. He smiled and relaxed his shoulders. He walked to her and gave her a peck on her lips, then on her cheek and forehead.

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