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" Look what I did for you beautiful,"

I closed my locker and faced him, he held up a black T-shirt that had the words 'baby Mac' blasted on the back in glitter. I had to hand it to him, for a boy he's pretty creative. It also had my number, 07, painted on the back. The front had the saying, "Butterfly Killer"

" You made this?" I was amused. He was just so cute.

"AH- Duh," he made his voice sound gilry. "I wasn't going to let another guy make my woman's shirt!" Jake had a fake angry face.

" Thank you, I love it. But why baby Mac?' I asked. He just smiled

" You know why, your always trying to rap to Mac Miller, although you epically fail, it's cute." he leaned in and pecked my lips.

"True, I do," I giggled.

"So what time are the girls heading to get ready?" he asked.

"Umm we need to be in the locker room by 6:30" I held up my shirt. I noticed a spot on the bottom of the front.

"Really Jake?" I smiled with my eyes stuck on him.

"Yea, just in case you need inspiration," he gave me a soft smile and a wink.

"Okay, so I'll be at the game by 6:30 then."

"Powder puff doesn't start till 7:30, why are you going so early?" my face fell with confusion.

"You'll see. Alright beautiful I have to go to study hall today, I love you good luck tonight baby" he gave me a hug and a big kiss on my cheek after walking me to class.

"Love you too."

Powder puff was a tradition that our school had with our rival school, the monarchs. During rival week, both schools held functions that raised money for the schools; However, powder puff money was donated to children's hospital.

We walked out to the field to the song 'face to the floor' by Chevelle, the stadium was packed. The girls on the other team, we never necessarily got along with, looked over to us with there bitchass snotty nose's up in the air. I looked to our side of the stadium, there was a huge banner with our names in big letters, saying 'we love our woman Tigers' and 'KILL THE BUTTERFLIES'. I saw Ralphy, Jake, and the rest of the football guys shirtless with body paint. Each one painted our numbers on them. Jacob and Ralph had the same 2 numbers. '07,45' that was me and Sophia. I was excited that she decided to play this year. She always wanted to, but seeing that she wasn's in high school yet, she couldnt. Before the game i prepped her.

"okay, they dont like to play fair soph, so the plan is let them wear out, when they get tired thats when we give it our all. Got it?" she nodded. My sister was quiet, but i know she had alot in that brain of hers.She reminded me of Good time Max, except the drugs and stuff.

We had to shake hands, Stephanie, a player from the other school, was face to face with me.

"Carmello.." she said.

" Mungoia..." we stared at each other. Jake was yelling so loud, we both turned. He yelled "I LOVE YOU BABY MAC!" he shaped his hands into a heart, and pointed to the number seven on his chest. I turned back to face Stephanie.

"Well, I had no clue you were the girl that got him," she said with her eyebrows raised.

"Yea, I guess," I smiled sarcastically.

During one of the plays, I saw an oponent come after sophia. The bitch was twice her size and decided to drop her. Hell no, this bitch is going to pay for that.

"Hey bitch what the hell? pick on someone your own size. " I yelled

"What did you say bitch?!"

"you heard me hoodrat...."

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