Febuary 14th The Day After 1986

Start from the beginning

She let the tub fill half full. She didn't want to overflow her bathroom like Draco did one time. She got her rubber ducky and began playing with it. She liked her rubber ducky cause he squeaked when she squeezed him. She washed her body with soap and water. She always had her mommy wash her hair for her cause Natasha wasn't used to it yet. She was afraid of getting shampoo in her eyes. After 15 minutes in the tub the water got cold Natasha shivered and got out and drained the tub. She dried herself off and got dressed. She put the towel in the hamper and walked back into her room. She opened her dresser drawer and got out a pair of black socks and put on her muggle sneakers.

She brushed her hair and pulled it back into a ponytail. She grabbed her drawing pad and walked out of her room Draco was dressed in his suit and they headed downstairs holding hands as they walked. Lucius and Narcissa thought the children were cute when they walked holding hands. They made it downstairs they heard the adults in the dining room Natasha heard Uncle Severus and got excited and ran into the dining room leaving Draco behind. She ran up to Ucle Severus and hugged him tightly cause she missed him so much. Dumbledore was in shock Natasha didn't notice him yet and spoke.

"Uncle Severus I've missed you so much." Natasha told him hugging him tightly Severus spoke to her.

"I was only gone a week my dear." Severus stated Natasha laughed and spoke to him.

"A week feels longer to me Uncle Severus." Natasha said to him Severus grunted a week did feel longer to Natasha more than she cared to admit to and spoke to him.

"Uncle Severus could you make the pages in my drawing pad endless for me so I never run out of drawing paper?" Natasha asked him Severus nodded and casted a charm on her drawing pad he handed it back to her and spoke.

"There you are. Now you can draw without ever running out of paper." Severus said to her Natasha smiled a new voice spoke.

"Well Severus it seems as she really loves and idolizes you." The new voice said Natasha turned she was wide eyed it was the old man from her nightmare in their dining room. He had a long white beard and silver robes the beard was tied with a beard tie that had crystals on the ends he had a twinkle in his eyes Natasha gasped at the sight of the old man from her nightmare of three years Severus spoke to her.

"My dear are you alright?" Severus asked concerned Draco came in and spoke.

"What's going on?" Draco asked everyone. Seeing the old man from her nightmare of three years overwhelmed Natasha and she fainted everyone gasped Draco was shocked and spoke. "What happened to her?" Draco shouted as he rushed up to her Severus spoke.

"I'm not sure Draco she took a look at the headmaster and fainted at the mere sight of him." Severus said to him Draco saw the headmaster and spoke.

"Professor Snape he's the man from her bad dreams. Seeing him in our dining room must've overwhelmed her and it made her faint." Draco said to him explaining Draco picked her up and spoke again. "Look through her drawing pad and you'll see the answer." Draco said to him Narcissa spoke.

"Draco carry Natasha over to sofa in the foyer and stay with her. I'm sure she'll awake soon." Narcissa said to him Draco nodded and carried her to the foyer and put her on the soft black leather sofa. Snape looked through her drawing pad and saw Draco was right and spoke.

"It appears young master Malfoy was right headmaster. Have a look at these drawings." Snape said to him Dumbledore took the pad and saw Natasha's nightmares she drew. He wasn't the only one looking at the drawings Narcissa and Lucius did as well. They saw they were very well detailed. Narcissa gasped at the woman in black. Lucius had a stunned look on his face Dumbledore spoke and broke the silence.

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