Chapter 11

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Taylor's POV

" MOM!? WHO ATE ALL MY FRICKEN DOUGHNUTS?!!! " I yell at the top of my lungs.

" I DON'T KNOW PROBABLY ONE OF YOUR BROTHERS ATE THEM! " she yells back in response.

" I swear when I say don't touch my doughnuts, I mean DON'T TOUCH MY DOUGHNUTS! Gosh fricken idiots, can't even read! "

So then I sling the empty box on the ground and stomp my way outside to go buy more.

As I walk out I make sure to slam the door to show my anger.

I walk down the steps and make my way to my dark blue wrangler Jeep.

I hop in and slam yet another door again.

I drive out of our drive way and I drive down the road to the bakery.

When I get there, I get out and I see my best bud in the whole world, my crush, the one who understands me and my problems, Noah!!!!!

I run out and I run as fast as I can to him and I give him the biggest hug.

"Woah, you seen me yesterday, Oh I see, you miss your best friend so much that you had to follow me just to see me again.! " Noah says making me laugh.

" No... My brothers ate my Frick fracken doughnuts after the 1 millionth time I've told them not to touch em! "

"Aww so you didn't stalk me and come here just to see me? Aw bummer but hey, I was gonna get doughnuts too so let's drive over to my house and eat doughnuts and play whatever game you want! " Which made me smile.

" Or I could use you as a punching bag, to let out all of my anger! " I say with a devilish smile.

"Um let's go with my choice.. Just dance? " He says cocking an eyebrow.

" You know me so well, your choice it is! " I say and we go into the doughnut place.

I swear he's the one I want, he cares, he knows what I like, he knows everything about me, he can handle my weird but crazy family! And that's the kind of guy I want!

So after we get doughnuts we head to his house and play just dance and watch 16 candles.

As we watched it he put his arm around me and I layed my head on him, I then take his fuzzy blanket and wrap up in it and watch the movie.

/// A couple of days later/////

It's Thursday, almost Friday, luckily the week is almost over!

When I get home I go upstairs and change, I go down stairs and make me 4 hot pockets because the school food wasn't good today, it was trash and it usually isn't!

I then go back upstairs, yell at my siblings for being in my room, then I flop on the bed and turn on the TV and watch a few movies.

Later on its like 7: 30 and I hear a knock on my window, so I go into my closet and I take out my baseball bat.

I slowly go up to the window and I see.... Noah!

"Dang it Noah I thought I was gonna have to beat some creep at my window, come in, and also thanks for almost making me pee myself! " I say with a sarcastic smile.

When he comes in through my window I notice he's holding something behind his back.

"Taylor I need to ask you something really important, don't talk just listen, I'm already nervous enough! " He says looking very serious.

So I climb on my bed and listen.

" I don't know if you'll feel the same way or want to but just listen, prom is in a week so... "

He holds up a sign that says, I hope you donut say no, but will you go to prom with me?


I then start dancing around and flopping everywhere like a doof but then I realized he's still there.

"Oops sorry... " I say

" Wow, I can't believe this! I thought you would have said no, I've liked you for a while and everything! " He says.

" I have to... " I say looking at the ground.

"Oh.. Really? " He says taking a seat beside me.

"Yeah, I have, I thought you didn't feel the same way since your my best friend, so I didn't say anything... "

" Woah woah really, I thought that too, I mean your fricken gorgeous why wouldn't I? And plus your funny, weird but in a good way, fun to be around, you know the right thing to say to me, your literally my dream girl! " He says which knocks the wind right out of me.

" Seriously? Your the only one who can handle my family, you always know the rights words to say, you could make a girl melt brotha, your hot, you understand me, you listen! You know how to cheer me up when I'm crying, mad or upset, you make me laugh like a dying seal, you make the best homemade sugar cookies, and your a great guy in general! " Which makes him embrace me in a hug making me smile.

So long story short, he stays the night and we watch movies all night long eating the doughnuts he brought.

Man, that guy right there, he's my man!


So thanks for ready, I know I haven't wrote in a while which is no excuse but I'm starting to I write more, there will be more chapters coming soon, and guess what? I'm making this a series!!!

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