Chapter 8

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Taylor's POV

Ok so picture this I'm driving down the street run over a squirrel 2 POINTS, kidding, kidding ok as I was saying I was driving down the street and I saw this lady that keeps swirving (sorry I don't know how to spell that!) And she's bumping into things on either side of the road.

And I'm thinking what on earth is wrong with this woman! So I honk on my horn and she just stops.

She comes out of the car and I kid you not it is this lady looks about 190 pounds and she's wearing a black dress and you can see the creases of the bra and obviously this dress is too small for her.

So she's just standing in the middle of the road and I have places to go, I have to meet Noah up at the rollerskating rink so I don't have time for this so I get out of my car and tell her to 'move'.

She just stands there and finally says something.

She says "excuse me are you the police because I can swerve my own dang car if I want! I am playing Pokemon on the go with my son!" She says very rudely.

" Ok woman, I have places to be! You can play Pokemon on the go if you want heck you can even get arrested! But I need to get through move your big birtha of a minivan away!" I replied back as calmly as I could.

So she gets in her car and turns around, so I get in my car.

She goes lightning fast bumping into every curve and sidewalk she can and drives away.

So I just move on and I drive up the street to the rollerskating rink.

Then the same lady wants to take her big birtha of a minivan and she runs into my car! SHE RUNS INTO MY CAR!

So I called the police, she got arrested because apparently she wasn't a lady, she was a DUDE! And that DUDE kidnapped a Mexican little boy.

So I got a new car, it's a blue wrangled jeep! Thanks to the police, the fuzz, or the p.o. p.o.!

So yeah me and Noah didn't go roller skating so instead we went to the park. Man Noah always knows how to put a smile on my face!

Ok so who do you ship?

Comment down below who you are rooting for!

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