Chapter 6

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Taylor's POV

'Oooh baby do you what it's worth? Oooh heaven's a place on earth!' I sing along while nodding my head to the music.

Ok so I'm finally ungrounded and now I get to go out again! Ok so you know how I found out that me and Nathan use to be friends? Ok so I'm trying to find out how we stop being friends, I'm meeting Nathan at the Mall, in the food court because I need to know the details, and all of that jazz.

Nathan should know what happened right? I pull into the mall and get out of my jeep while locking the door before walking off.

Sometimes I wonder why I despised him, he's a nice guy, he doesn't do all the other things the other guys go for because he's unique. And that's good. I guess looks can be deceiving because I realized, that just because someone may look or my act a different way doesn't mean they are, there are rumors in the world,people do lie,and not everything is true because someone says it is. I guess I pay more attention about what other people have to say about him, then actually getting to know him.

Why do people have to do that though, how come all the books I read the smart girl hates the bad boy at first but then ends up liking him at the end? Why are people judging the exterior first instead of the interior, people say it's what's in the inside right? Then why don't people follow that?

Once I get to the food court I instantly spot Nathan sitting at one of the tables.

I walk up to him slowly nervous about what I'm about to ask him, I mean does he know why I can't remember being friends with him? He smiles as soon as I sit down.

"So...What did you want to talk about?" Nathan replies making his smile disappear.

"Well I've been thinking about the night at the barbeque, when my dad told me we use to be friends....How come I don't remember that?" I replied.

"Well uh...we were playing in your tree house one day,playing pirates, and well it was my turn to be the captain and I pointed the sword to your chest, you were near the edge, and you some How lost balance and you fell off the tree house, I've never forgotten that day, I didn't want to go near you after you came out of the hospital, I didn't want you to get hurt again so I made myself forget you, you lost some of your memories, you were ok though and I was glad, and i felt guilty for doing that but after that my parents and your parents decided that we would forget it and act like it never happend, I don't know why though but they did..." Nathan says with tears in his eyes, making me feel so sorry that I made him feel that way.

"Wow...I never knew that, I'm sorry I made you feel that way about you know, it's just so hard to believe though, why didn't my parents tell me this?" I say in utter shock.

"I don't know, but you know what it's all in the past right, we can make new and better memories, I don't want to live in a life where I feel guilty and it feels like the world is tumbling down, so want to go shop and look around?" Nathan says getting up from the table giving me a small smile, making me smile back.

Man that smile.


" No we are watching kung-fu panda!" Noah shouts at Zac.

" No... we are watching planet of the apes and that's final!" Zac shouts back.

This conflict makes me laugh because all I'm thinking right now Is the song from Kung-fu panda, Everybody was kung-fu fighting.

I take my phone out and get on spotify and I turn the song kung-fu fighting on, which makes Nathan laugh and Zac give me the death stare.

"Fine we will watch kung-fu panda!" Zac says while plopping on the ground and pouting like a little kid.

Man Zac acts like a little kid! But that's one trait I like about him. Noah does a victory dance to which movie was chosen.

As I laugh I notice Nathan scoots over a little, hmm I'm not gonna be oblivious but I think he might like me in the 'non-friend way' which I don't know it makes me feel weird now if he does which I think he does, I don't know he just does these little things.

Like sometimes he'll slip his hand in mine, or scoot closer to me like now, if I stare at another guy he kinda gets in front of me with what looks like an angry face.

But you know I ain't no love expert or sidekick so I'll just wait and see what happens because I'm not into that much effort anyways.

The movie turns on and I just sit there swaddled in my fuzzy blanket with Nathan and Noah on either side of me.

I'm just sitting there and all of a sudden my little sister which is like 14 years old walks in front of the screen and has the nerve to tell me " you guys are watching kung-fu panda that's so childish you know all of that stuff on there is fake!"

Which makes my head boil because this movie is great! So I get up grab her arm and twist it to her back and I force her head down to floor.

" So this is fake!?" I say while she hollars a series of 'ows' or 'get off of me'

So after Zac tells me to just let her go she gets up and scatters off! Haha whimp!

So I sit back down and lay next to Noah and Nathan and I go to sleep.


Ok so I'm home alone it is the next day and my parents told me to clean house! So I have a question for the parents so if this isn't 'my house' then why do I have to clean? Why do I have to do the dishes if I didn't buy them? Why do I have to clean the bathroom if it's not mine? I even had to clean your toliets! So I'm done! I have had it up to here! So here's the broom!

I'm out so good day to y'all!

" Taylor! I'm home!" My mom screams making me jump.

I run down stairs trying not to trip and fall and I meet my mom down stairs.

" Mom can I go to Nathan's house to study?" I say doing my best puppy dog eyes.

" Sure, you can stay the night if you want!" She says.

" Ok I'll just text him I'm on my way I love you mom, thank you and I'll see ya tomarrow!" I say while running up the stairs and slipping on the stairs.

I head to Nathan's house and before I know it I'm at his door with my sponge Bob backpack and my fuzzy blanket in my arms.

Nathan greets me in and I just walk in like it's my second home.

We go up stairs and we start studying.

By the time we are done it is 9:53 pm which means we should go to bed.

" I'm gonna put on my pjs!" I say while walking into the bathroom.

After I get dress I swaddle into my fuzzy blanket and plop on his bed because it's comfy and plus I don't wanna sleep alone because usually my dog is with me to protect me.

" Your sleeping here tonight?" Nathan replies while walking to his bed and sitting beside me.

" Well duh my dog isn't here to protect me so you have to!" Which makes him chuckle.

I then lay down while Nathan does too and we go to bed, but the only weird thing was Nathan's arm suddenly wrapped around me which I didn't care for because more protection ya know!

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