Chapter 13

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Monday June 2nd, 1975. 11:37 P.M.

As we rode back to the hotel, Jimmy ran his long fingers across the end of my mini skirt. He breathed on my neck. "Mary," he said softly, slowly. His breath smelled of pot.

"Yes?" I replied. I was nervous. I would be abandoning him within two days to run away with someone he probably hated.

"I just wanted to say your name. It's so beautiful. Mary..."  He kissed my collarbone.
He was stoned. I began to laugh. "Why are you laughing?" He asked. But I only laughed more. Jonsey had began to chuckle as well. "I don't get it," Jimmy said with amusement in his voice. I was cracking up. I couldn't breathe. Robert started laughing and finally Bonzo did too. I laughed until we pulled into the hotel.

When we got to the hotel I started crying, for the same reason I laughed. My life is a joke. Nothing means anything. Jimmy doesn't love me, but he has been the most central person in my life since we met. Thomas couldn't possibly love me, we just met. Lydia tries to love me, but I shut her out. Mom doesn't have the capability to love anyone. Clyde definitely doesn't love me. No one in my life loves me. Yet I have thought I was better than everyone I've met for the past two years.

"Babe, don't cry," Jimmy said. I hugged him. He carried me to the suite. Everyone in the hotel stared as the world famous Jimmy Page carried a sniffling teenager to his suite. He laid me down in the bed and whispered "Baby, you need to rest. Try to go to sleep. A few people are coming over, but they won't bother you. Goodnight dear." He kissed my forehead.

As I began to doze off, the "few people" arrived. They were loud. They sang and laughed. Every now and then I could hear something break. I couldn't sleep with all that noise. I rose out of bed, left the bedroom, walked through the living area and almost made it to the door before Jimmy noticed me and stopped me.

"Where are you going?" He seemed a little angry. I had no answer. I was going to sleep with Thomas, but I didn't even know where his room was.

"I can't sleep with this noise!" I said. I nearly had to scream to be heard over the surrounding party.

"So where are you going?" He asked again.

"I don't know."

"Stay."  He did not plead or beg, he commanded.

Every emotion I had felt that night started to swirl around in my head, I could feel everything. I didn't know how to react. I simply just opened the door and walked out, slamming it behind me. Jimmy opened it and we faced each other. I did not say a word and neither did he. I think he knew where I wanted to go. "I just don't understand." He said under his breath as he closed the door.

I went to the lobby and asked the receptionist if he could tell me which room Thomas was staying in. "No ma'am, we have no reservation for a man of that name. He isn't with the band, is he?"

"Yes! He is," I said.

"Ah. All those rooms are just under the name 'Led Zeppelin.'" 

"Thank you," I whispered.

I was tired and had nowhere to go. I considered a room of another band mate (perhaps Jonsey) but then concluded that they'd all be in Jimmy's suite with their keys. I went to the 3rd floor and fell asleep on a loveseat the hotel had put next to the vending machine.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2018 ⏰

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