Chapter 2

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Friday May 30th 1975

"Ma, I'm home!" I yell as I walk into my house. She didn't tell anything back, she was probably asleep. She sleeps most of the time.
I walk to the bedroom I share with my older sister, Lydia. Since neither one of us are ever home, it's a pretty plain room. Four white walls two twin beds with floral comforters, two dressers, and a David Bowie poster Lydia bought for me last Christmas.
Right now Lydia is at work, a local clothing store where she gets paid minimum wage.
I put away my notebook and pens then put on a record; Led Zeppelin III. While I listen to the glorious, sexy music I pack my bags. I chose that particular album because tomorrow I'll hitchhike to San Diego, where Led Zeppelin are. Oh I'm so excited! I haven't seen any of the boys since November. Jimmy Page is the only one I've ever slept with, he's such a fox. He treats me like a queen, like an adult. And Robert Plant, he's the sweetest. And he's very spiritual, I love to hear him talk about it. And John Paul Jones, our Jonesy, he's so quiet. But he's very smart. I've learned a lot from him. And last but not least is John Bonham, he's something else. Pretty much always drunk, it's kind of sad. But he's hilarious. He makes me feel like family. I can hardly wait to see them all again.
When I'm done packing, I fall asleep on my bed. A couple hours later, I'm awoken by the sound of Mom screaming "Dinner!"
I walk into our kitchen. Mom is still putting glasses of water down and Clyde, my stepfather, is sitting down. I sit too and soon enough Mom does as well.
It doesn't take long for Clyde to start complaining about his day, then start yelling at my mom. I've learned to tune it out. Sure, it pisses me off but there's nothing I can do.
Eventually, when they're done arguing, I say "Hey ma, tomorrow I'm going to Lisa's tomorrow. I might stay a week or two."
She replies, "Okay. Call me every now and then."
"I will." I say.
I use Lisa's name because Lisa used to be my friend about two years ago, so Mom knows her name. And I know my mom would never call her family to check on me because Mom doesn't like her family at all. I don't really know why, it's just always been like that. Whenever I entered the rock scene, Lisa just kind of dropped out of my life. I miss her sometimes. I'm not sure why I even lie to her anymore. She probably already knows about what I do. She doesn't care. Clyde doesn't either. Honestly, I think he's glad when I'm gone because that way he doesn't have to feed me and all that.  So in a way, we have a great relationship. He doesn't ask where I've been and I don't have to tell.

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