Chapter 4

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Saturday May 31st, 1975. 4:27 PM. San Diego.

"Later, Carrie!" Yelled a stoner mom as I got out of her car at the Fairmont Grand Del Mar; the hotel Led Zeppelin were staying in.
I walked around to the back of the hotel, trying to find a roadie or something to take me to my boys. But there was a huge gate blocking the back of it. So I went around to the front and walked in. There were a lot of people in the lobby, trying to do the same thing that I was; see the band. The difference was, the band was interested in seeing me too.
There were a couple roadies in the lobby to deal with the mob that followed the band. Some of them were flirting with girls, others were looking bored with their job. I approached a younger one that was tall and awkward looking with short, light hair and said "Hey. I'm a friend of Jimmy's. Do you know where I could find him?"
His eyes got big as I spoke. He studied my face a little bit, trying to decide if my story was accurate. "You know, a lot of these girls say they're friends of the band." He finally said. His deep voice surprised me. I wasn't expecting it.
I rolled my eyes. "My name is Mary Colley. I swear to god if you ask about me, they'll know me."
"Mary Colley?" He asked. "I think Jimmy did say something about you. Come with me."
He walked to an elevator and I followed. "So what's it like being a groupie?" He asked. His forward question made me a little uncomfortable. "Uh, I enjoy it." The way he moved and the condescending tone in his voice made it seem like he thought I was stupid.
I decided to flirt with him when we were in the elevator. I didn't want him to think ill of me. "You're cute."
"What?" He said.
"Why'd you become a roadie?"
"I love music. I wanted to be around it. Why'd you become a groupie?"
"I guess the same reason you became a roadie."
The elevator reached our floor but we didn't leave.
"How old are you? You seem young." He asked. For a second I thought about lying. I've never lied about my age to anyone (except while hitchhiking) but I really didn't want him to think I was young or immature. After considering it a little, I chose the truth.
"Fifteen. How old are you?"
"Damn. You are young. I'm eighteen."
I laughed, "You're young too!"
"Kind of. I'm not screwing guys twice my age though."
I'm a very proud person, I've never been one to be ashamed of what I do. But when he said that, it hurt. I can't explain why. If anyone else had said it I would've laughed. I didn't think it was funny this time though. "Yeah. What room is Jimmy in?" I said, pressing the button to open the elevator door again.
"515." He said.
"Thanks." I said, walking away.
"Hey, did you say your name's Mary?" He asked, following me out.
"Yes. What's your name?"
"Thomas," He said. "Bye." And he walked back to the elevator.

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