Chapter 7

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Saturday May 31st, 1975. 11:16 PM

"Thank you San Diego!" Yelled Robert. Then they rushed offstage as the lights blacked out.

All the girls, myself included, ran to them as the entered the backstage. The reporters did too but they weren't as fast. The boys talked to the girls a little bit backstage and the reporters got blown off . The roadies got the equipment off the stage.

I stayed with Jimmy, his arm around my shoulder. Even though Jimmy and I were more serious, he still flirted with and fucked the girls even when I was around. I didn't mind. That's to be expected. I got a lot of dirty looks from jealous women though. I loved it.

When it was time to leave, the band brought 5 other girls back to the hotel with them. When we got to the hotel though, there'd be way more girls waiting or who had followed us. There was also a couple fans who followed the band as they toured that managed to come to a couple parties. And whenever the roadies were down with their jobs, some of them liked to join us.

On the ride back to the hotel, everyone in the limo (all 10 of us since) was laughing and drinking. I still wasn't feeling well so I didn't laugh and talk and flirt like everyone else.

"Are you okay?" Asked Jimmy when he noticed.

"Not really. I'm feeling sick." I told him.

He gave me a sympathetic look and said "I'm sorry." Then he kissed my neck.

I felt bad, not just because I was sick but also because I knew Jimmy wanted to party with me. Sure there were other girls, but we had a special bond. We've known each for a while and I actually shared rooms with him and went to dinner with him and such. I was more than a groupie. I was a friend of the band.

When we got to the hotel, the party started immediately. Everyone had drugs and it didn't take long for everyone to get drunk. I didn't really feel like doing anything. I thought about drinking but since everything was so strong and I didn't feel like waking up with a hangover, I decided not to.

Truthfully, I had had a really long day and I was tired. I didn't know where I'd sleep. I usually slept in Jimmy's room, but because of the noise I didn't want to.

I went to the bathroom. I just got my period. Fuck me I thought. I had gotten so preoccupied with passing my classes and coming to San Diego that I forgot to track it. I didn't know what to do so I rolled up some toilet paper. I was pretty upset by now so I walked outside to clear my head.

I walked up and down the hall. I came across a vending machine. Thomas was there, getting a bottle of coke.

"Hey, Thomas, right?" I said to him.

"Right. Mary, right?" He asked.

"Right." I replied.

"Whats your real name?" He asked. Most of the girls chose to go by fake names.

I started smiling and said "Wow. It's kind of an unspoken rule not to ask a girl what her real name is, you know? But since you did ask, my real name is Mary."

"I'm not going to tell anyone. I'm just curious what your actual name is." He pleaded.

I laughed, "It actually is Mary. When I first started doing this I was so young. I didn't know anything about it. I had no idea it was custom for the girls to use fake names. I was kind of naive."

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