Chapter 5

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Saturday May 31st, 1975. 4:51 PM

I walked to room 515 and knocked. John Bonham answered the door. "Bonzo!" I yelled, hugging him. He smiled and said "Hey, Mary! Come on in."
I walked into the room. I was expecting the smell of whiskey and pot, but instead it just smelled like a hotel room. I quickly realized that they were performing a concert tonight so they'd stay sober until afterwards.
"Jimmy?" I called into the suite.
He walked out of another room. Upon seeing me, he suddenly smiled and said "Mary, get over here!"
I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him. He did the same to me. For about 20 seconds, we just hugged each other. Then he kissed my forehead. "Oh, it's been so long!" I said. He replied "I know. I hate that. Why don't you finish the tour with us?"
"I really shouldn't." I said.
"Think about it." He said.
"Yeah, we'd all love for you to stay." Bonzo added.
"Okay," I said "Man, it wasn't easy to get here. I had to have a roadie bring me here. And he almost didn't bring me."
Jimmy chuckled "I'll make sure that won't happen again." Suddenly someone was knocking on the door. Jimmy opened it. It was an older roadie named Peter that I recognized. "Hey Jimmy, it's time to go. Robert and Jonesy are already in the limo."
"Alright. Mary, come on." I followed Jimmy and Bonzo. On the way out the door I smiled at Peter and said "Hi." He recognized me too and said "Hi, Mary."
We left the hotel and got into a limousine. The rest of the band was already inside.
"Mary, it's great to see you." Robert said to me. Jonesy just smiled at me and waved.
I felt honored now because I was the only girl with them. I knew that when we drive back, there will be at least 3 other girls accompanying us.
I was sitting in a limousine with one of the biggest rock bands in the world but for some reason I couldn't get my mind off that roadie who almost didn't let me get here. Thomas. I decided that I wanted to know more about him. I touched Jimmy's thigh. He looked at me.
"Jimmy?" I said
"Babe?" He replied
"How well do you know that roadie Thomas?"
"Umm. He just joined us at the beginning of this tour. He's a nice guy, kind of strange. He's smart. That's about all I know."
"Kind of strange how?"
He smiled and put his arm around me "Why are you asking about him?"
"I don't know. Just wondering. He's the guy who showed me to your room."
"The guy who didn't believe that we knew you?"
We pulled up to the arena. We all got up and walked inside.

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