so this is love

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two days later

Astrid was about to knock on the door to Hiccup's hotel room, when she heard a voice.

So this is love, mmm

So this is love

So this is what makes life divine

Astrid's knuckle stopped a few inches short of the door. She allowed herself for a moment to get lost in Hiccup's voice; feeling each rise and fall of tone, resonating with his every inflection and expression. Oh how she missed hearing him sing, even if she had only been away 36 hours.

I'm all aglow, mmm

And now I know

the key to all heaven is mine

Following her brief sickness, she finished setting up a huge surprise for the boys and now was the time to reveal it to Hiccup. Why Hiccup specifically she didn't know, but Astrid felt like it was best he know first.

My heart has wings, mmm

And I can fly

I'll touch every star in the sky

She had arranged for another singer to accompany them on tour, someone not only she was a fan of but someone who was close to the boys. Astrid knew that Hiccup would be elated to hear the news, and maybe that's why she wanted to tell him. Or maybe she had just reached the limit of time she could go without seeing her fluffy haired client. Either way, there she was stood outside said client's hotel room spellbound by the passion in his voice.

So this is the miracle

That I've been dreaming of

mmm, mmm

So this is love

Astrid finally moved her hand and knocked on the door. She was met with a Hiccup clad only in black sweatpants. He must not have been expecting company, she thought. She had walked in on worse before but for some reason this was...different. When does he have the time to work out? , she asked herself as an afterthought, as she allowed her gaze to fall downward from Hiccup's eyes.

Hiccup opened the door to see his manager standing there. He felt heat rush to his face. After he had taken care of her a couple days prior, he couldn't stop thinking about her. About her smile, about her scent (not that he intentionally smelled her but she was close enough for him to pick it up), about the way she had asked him to stay and how it took everything in him to refuse her offer. It didn't help that he hadn't seen her since then. He missed having her on the side of the stage because it reminded him someone believed in him.

He then remembered he didn't have a shirt on.

"Astrid, h-hey, Astrid. Wh-what *ahem* brings you to my humble hotel room at 11:24 am on a Tuesday?" Hiccup said moving out of the way to let his manager in.

"Well, I-um-just wanted to let you know that I haven't been absent for nothing," she finally tore her gaze away from Hiccup. She noticed the room was rather clean, the bed was made and there were no clothes randomly strewn about. "I-I've been working on something, a surprise for you guys."

"A surprise? For me? What is it?" Hiccup asked half-eagerly and half-sarcastically, beginning to rummage around his suitcase for a shirt.

"Um, I got to thinking when I first saw the set list for your shows.. about the possibility of having another singer accompany you through the tour. It's always good to have another act since it boosts sales, not that your shows aren't already selling out but... I guess what I mean is it opens up the possibility of adding more shows...and what-not..." Astrid rambled absentmindedly. She watched as Hiccup looked through his suitcase. His back was turned to her, but she found his every movement intriguing. She also briefly wondered how long it took him to normally find a shirt in the mornings as it had been well over a minute since he started searching.

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