something special

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Astrid had almost forgotten how big the Forum really is. She walked into the lobby and took a deep breath, the smell of live music, she smiled at the memories she had in that arena.

"Is that Astrid Hofferson?"

"That depends, is that Carl Matthis?" Astrid turned to see a familiar red-head coming her way. She embraced her friend. "It's been way too long."

"It has. I heard you're with Us Four now, how's that going?"

"You've been around their rehearsals longer than I have, you tell me."

"Well..." Before he could continue they heard yelling from the arena. "Let's go find out."

They walked to the main arena space and were greeted by the sound of bandmates arguing.

"I already told you, you're on the top harmony." Snotout yelled.

"We never discussed that!" Tuffnut screeched back.

"Like we never discussed the track list?"

"Yeah exactly like that." Tuffnut crossed his arms.

"Oh come on, Tuffnut, it's not that big of a deal."

Hiccup and Fishlegs exchanged a look and backed away.

"Not that big of a deal?" Tuffnut looked furious. "You try working your butt off writing a song that's very personal to you, only to have it cut from the album. Or did I never even have a chance?"

"I don't have to try because I don't write bad songs."

"That's because you don't write songs, Snotlout. You just stand here, taking up space and oxygen, making money off our hard work." He motioned to himself, Fishlegs, and Hiccup.

Snotlout got up in Tuff's face and let his voice get dangerously low. "You don't know how hard I work for this band."

"Somehow, I don't believe you." Tuff gave his bandmate a look and stormed backstage.

Snotlout went in the opposite direction, all but steam coming out his ears.

Astrid walked onto the stage, stunned. "Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." Fishlegs muttered. "I'm going to take that bathroom break now."

Hiccup nodded.



"Are you okay?"

"Sure." Hiccup had an expression Astrid couldn't read.

"Hiccup, this is Carl Matthis, the general manager of the forum."

"It's nice to meet you." Carl offered his hand.

Hiccup shook it. "You too."

"You guys sound great, you know. My daughter came by yesterday, absolutely loved it."

"Thanks, Carl. Will she be coming to see us on tour?"

"She will, LA night three."

"The closing show? Always fun." Astrid tried. "Let me know when she's here and I'll bring her backstage."

"Yeah, we'd love to have her." Hiccup added.

"Really? That's great. She'll be so happy."


Carl turned to see an employee. "I'm coming. Excuse me, duty calls." He left Hiccup and Astrid standing there alone.

"So, you wanna talk about it?"

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