a new beginning

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"Damn airport security." Astrid physically winced as she checked her watch. She placed her shoes, backpack, and electronics on the conveyor belt, silently willing it to move faster. It was typical to be stuck in airport security and running late for one's flight, but Astrid Hofferson was never late. That's part of what made her so good at her job, that and her uncanny ability to tell others what to do.

Loud Managing Company plucked her right out of NYU's Public Relations program, way back when she was young, naïve, and saw the best in people. There was a new, up-and-coming artist, a girl, not much older than herself, who went by the name of Lady Mala and needed a manager desperately. Astrid signed on and in a few short years both her and her client had made names for themselves in both their respective industries. 

"Finally." She quickly slipped her shoes on and did an inventory of her belongings as she headed to the gate.

"Just in time, Miss." The flight attendant smiled as he checked her ticket and motioned toward the tunnel. "Enjoy Los Angeles!" he called after her.

As Astrid walked down the tunnel she heaved a sigh of relief. Reputation's intact, she reassured herself.

She was on her way to meet her new clients, "the biggest band on the planet," or so her boss had said. He had been hoping to close this deal with this band because it was good money, but Astrid suspected his daughter's obsession with them served as another motivator.

She settled into her seat as the doors were being closed. She opened the contract PDF sent to her by the band's record label on her iPad. It was the usual, yet drastically different from Lady Mala's.

Us Four. To Astrid they seemed like the next in line in the boyband trend but, after five years of managing the hapless, New York-based Lady Mala, she needed a change of scene. So when she got the call about this so called "biggest band on the planet" she was eager to accept, even if it meant planting new roots on the other side of the country.

"Excuse me." A voice said.

Astrid looked up. "Yes?"

"48B? That's my seat."

The voice came from a guy, scarf around the lower half of his face, and baseball cap low over his eyes.

Not suspicious at all.

"Yeah, I guess it is your seat." She stood and allowed him to sit.

"So, what takes you from the Big Apple to the City of Angels?" He asked as she sat down again.

Great, one of those. "Business." Astrid said shortly, with a forced smile. He seemed to get the message and didn't speak again until they were in the air.

Once they took off, he took the scarf and hat off, revealing brown hair, green eyes, and a small scar on his chin.

Astrid could have sworn she saw him somewhere.

"So business?"


"What kind of business?"

"Oh, uh..." Astrid considered her options: she could make something about it being "classified", say it's personal, or family, or... "I'm meeting some clients." Or she could just tell him the truth.


"What about you?" Astrid pried, before he could ask any followups.

He sent her a look.

"What? I told you it's only fair you tell me."

He thought for a second, possibly having the same inner debate as Astrid. "Business." He finally said.

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