Y/n sighed.
The story the boy had just told was quite popular. Though people still fought about if it was true or not. But he would still hear a few people talk about the incident 10 years ago, when he killed three teenagers in y/n's neighbourhood.

One of them was the daughter of the couple next door, who barely left the house since then. The other one was the sheriff's daughter (the sheriff was also a good family friend). Though y/n never dared to ask if it was really Michael Myers who killed her or if that was just the part people loved to add to entertain others.

Even if it was Myers, nobody needed to worry about any of that happening again. The police had taken care of everything and Myers, or whoever it was, was behind bars. He was where he belonged and he wasn't able to hurt anyone anymore.

Y/n walked down the street, passing some kids who were still out for trick or treating. It annoyed him, since he never went out for such a childish thing even though that the only reason for that was probably his father, the town's dentist, who hated anything with too much sugar more than a cat hated cucumbers.

After a lot of failed attempts of bribing and persuasion, y/n's father gave in and allowed his son to go the party. He didnt want to be one of the parents that wouldn't let their kids attempt a party and since y/n never really went to one before he thought it would be fine. What he didn't know was that his son went to multiple parties before, this time being the first his old man knew that he went out.

Y/n noticed how cold it was getting. He pulled the hood of his jacket over his head and put his hands into his pockets. He hated long walks but there was nothing he could do since the party was still a few blocks away and he really wanted to attend. At least that's what he tried to tell himself. Yeah, he went to a lot of parties before, but that didn't mean that he enjoyed being there. It was more like a way to show his friend and himself that he could be a people person if he wanted to. Though he really wasn't.

It was a lot darker than when he had left the house and after a while he noticed that there weren't many kids around anymore.
Most of them were probably already at home and the rest would soon make their ways there to show their parents all the things they had gotten from their candy hunt. The sidewalk was less crowded than before and he knew that he soon would be the only one outside.

The h/c haired boy's paranoia kicked in and every little noise began to make him feel more uncomfortable.
Weird shadows and movements appeared in the corner of his eyes but every time he turned around to see what the source of it was he didn't see anything but the street lamps and sometimes a cat which would rush over the street into a random bush.

He began to walk faster, pulling the hood of his jacket more into his face. In the distance he heard the church bell ring once, which meant it was already half past 8pm. He was way too late.

"I'll kill you and destroy your stupid car." The e/c eyed boy cursed under his breath. He was still pissed at his friend for not picking him up.
If he knew that this was going to happen, he'd never let his friends convince him to go in the first place. Or he would have asked someone else to give him a ride. But it was too late now and there was no turning back. He couldn't go back home anyway because he'd been too stupid to pack his keys.

He started to walk slightly faster, as he began to feel like as if somebody was watching him. I bet it's just my paranoia he thought, but he didn't dare to look around in case it wasn't. But the feeling that he wasn't alone anymore grew stronger and he really started to believe that somebody was behind him.

Y/n sighed. Even though his head screamed at him to just continue walking he stopped and finally built up the courage to look around. At first he didn't see anything, which only confirmed his assumption of him losing his mind. Oh, well. That's when he noticed a silhouette in the distance. He narrowed his eyes and tried to figure out what it was. It could've been anything, again, so before he'd start panicking he wanted to be a 100% sure that it wasn't just a dumpster or anything like that. But dumpsters don't move own their own.
Whatever it was, it was walking in his direction.

Michael Myers x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now