Chapter 4

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Y/n sat on the bed, in his arms a bag, with the few belongings he had inside of it. He didn't know what was going on, but the way Michael had acted that morning was quite unsettling; the man had been in a hurry, throwing all of y/n's things next to the bed. And before the boy could even ask what was going on Michael left again, leaving him in confusion.

Y/n sighed, his gaze slowly gliding through the room. The thought that they might soon leave the cabin made his heart jump with joy; he could finally sleep without being watched by 128 eyes. "Goodbye, motherfuckers," he whispered towards his hairy roommates and a huge grin creeped onto his lips.

Behind him, the wind pressed itself against the window, getting in through the opening between the iron frame and the wooden wall. The cold breeze brushed against the back of y/n's neck, sending a shiver down the boy's spine. He waited for a second, the fresh air playing with his hair, then turned around to close it again. As soon as he turned slightly the pain in his back shot down to his legs, and he froze; one wrong move could make it worse again and he really didn't want to be bound to bed any longer. Returning to his old position, he left the window alone.

Y/n placed the bag next to him on the stained matress, pulling a disgusted grimace when his hand touched a wet brown spot which had never seemed to dry since the day Michael and he had arrived. He didnt know where that spot came from and why it refused to leave, but being completely honest with himself, he didn't really want to know anyway.

His eyes still focused on the stain, he didn't notice Michael's arrival. He wouldn't have noticed him at all if it weren't for the man to pick y/n and the bag up with one elegant swift. The boy couldn't help but yelp with surprise, clinging onto the man's overall with both of his hands.

"Jeez, if you want me to die so badly you could at least do it quick instead of giving me a heart attack," he said, an amused grin spread across his face. But his grin should falter when he looked into the dark orbs of the other, his intimidating look making him feel so uneasy that he became silent; Michael shut him up without using any words himself.

The man just stood there, in the middle of the room, with y/n in his arms. Time seemed to stop for a while, the uncomfortable silence making the boy's uneasiness even worse. Michael then sighed, deep, carrying the now quiet boy out of the cabin, the bag loosely hanging over his shoulder.

He held y/n in his arms as if he weighed nothing, impressing him even more; if they would have met under different circumstances, and if Michael wasn't a psychotic murderer, y/n would definitely not mind being so close to him.

"Say, where exactly do you plan on driving?" Y/n's eyes were focused on the car, his hands not losing their grip on Michael's overall even when he opened the passenger door to let him down. To no surprise there came no answer from the older man; he gave y/n's wrists a squeeze to make him let go of his clothes and then slammed the door shut.

Y/n's gaze followed Michael as he walked around to the driver's side, noticing his hand brushing over the hood of the car as he passed it.

More cold air rushed into the car when the man opened the door and the car slightly sunk when he sat down and closed it. He placed one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the key, turning his head to look at y/n.

The boy caught himself staring, turning his head away in embarrassment. Michael raised a brow, but then finally, not bothering to buckle his seat belt, started the engine.

Y/n looked out of the window as Michael drove off, his eyes trying to focus on the trees they passed, but failing miserably at that. He leaned his head against the cold glass and sighed; he was getting tired already.


When the car suddenly came to a stop y/n was startled awake. Before his eyes got fully used to the light of the sun, that shone directly into his face, he heard a door open, the car suddenly shook slightly as it raised up, and then close. The sound of footsteps scraping over gravel pulled him completely out of his half-asleep state and he noticed that Michael had, indeed, left the car.

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