Chapter 1

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||October 31th, 1988||

It was Halloween.
The only night y/n hated to go outside since there were only annoying little kids wandering through the streets.
The h/c haired boy kneeled on the dark blue couch in the living room and looked out of the window as he waited for his best friend to pick him up. They were invited to a Halloween party from highschool this year and even though y/n said he didn't want to, his friends still somehow convinced him to go.

"Where the hell is he?" y/n asked himself as he looked at the clock.
It was already nearly 8pm and the party was supposed to start half past 7, which meant that they're going to be late. Again.

He watched as some kids walked up the stairs to his house and without hesitating he turned the small light on the coffee table off so it would look like nobody was home.
The kids rang the doorbell but since nobody but y/n was there he just sat there and stared at them until they turned around and went to the next house.

"I'm not going to give anyone sweets. Those are mine." He whispered to himself before he turned the light back on. The h/c haired boy got up and walked into the kitchen to make himself a sandwich. He grabbed the bread from the table and got cheese and butter out of the fridge but before he could start to make the sandwich his phone suddenly rang. The e/c eyed boy sighed as he picked up.

"Hey yo my maaaaan!! Wassuuup?" A loud voice yelled into the phone and y/n had to hold the phone away from his ear for a second.
"What the hell dude?? Don't be so loud." He sighed. "Where the hell are you? We'll be late if you don't pick me up now." He said, getting slightly annoyed at the delay of the other.

"Well, something came up and you might have to walk to Paul's house. But if I see you on my way I can give you a ride. I'll just be a little later than I thought. I promise that I'll take you home after the party though. I'm really sorry bud."
It was typical for the other to be late, but he'd never called something off when he promised to do it.
"Ok then. See you at the party I guess." y/n mumbled and hung up.

The boy sighed and looked at the clock. He had to sprint to the party so he wouldn't end up way too late, but there was no way he could do that. He'd die of exhaustion and he wouldn't do that only to not be late.

He quickly grabbed his jacket, put it on and left the house and realized too late that he left his keys on the dining table, so he kicked the door out of annoyance.
Was there anything that couldn't go wrong that day? The answer was no. No, there wasn't.

He made his way down the stairs and marched through the front yard where his mother had planted a lot of roses in all kind of colours. Sometimes he felt like his mother was more interested in watching her plants grow than her own son. Like his father paid more attention to his cars than to anything else.

As he left through the gate a group of teenagers walked past him, talking about random shit, mostly horror stories to scare the girls. Y/n shrugged it off and was about to start walking again when he heard one of the boys mentioning something that grabbed his interest.

"They said he was six when he stabbed his sister. Apparently since that day, the Myers' house is supposed to be haunted and nobody ever dared to enter their property again. But if somebody did, Michael Myers would come and kill them without hesitation." As he finished talking he put his arms around two of the girls, who stared at him with wide eyes and grabbed onto him, pretending to be scared.

One of his friends creeped an arm around one of the girl's waist. "It's true! I heard it's true! My dad said it's true so it's got to be!" He said before the girl slapped his arm away and grabbed more tightly onto his friend.
The group then turned into the next street.

Michael Myers x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now