Christmas special

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This chapter has nothing to do with the main story. It's just something I wanted to write idk xD
I know that Christmas is tomorrow family celebrates on christmas eve (Because most germans are weird) which means I'll get some nice presents in about...2 hours from now xD
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this shitty special I wrote xD
See ya!

"Fuck, why does the snow have to be so fucking cold?!" Y/n yelled while he walked the small path, that lead to the cabin, up and down, to sweep the shining silver substance out of the way. He had been outside for nearly two hours now because it was nearly impossible to get rid of the snow since fresh one covered the parts where the boy had sweeped. Y/n knew that it was unnecessary to continue and that he should wait until it stopped snowing but he didn't know what else he should do since he was alone and couldn't annoy the other man. Michael decided to leave that morning without telling the boy when he'd come back and after a while of waiting for him it got too quiet in the cabin and he began to feel bored.

Y/n sighed as he dropped himself into the thick and soft blanket of snow next to the small path. The boy looked at the light grey clouds which were slowly wandering over the sky.
Snowflakes landed on y/n's nose and melted immediately, leaving small wet spots on the boy's soft and warm skin.
"Stop shitting on me." The h/c haired boy mumbled towards the sky before he turned on his side and took some snow in his hands, forming small snowballs out of it and turned them into a little snowman. A small smirk appeared on his face as he jumped up and looked down on his creation.

"There can only be one shithead in this area." Y/n said before he kicked the icy creature in front of him as hard as he could. He watched as the broken single parts flew through the air and landed softly on the thick layer of snow before they sank as quick as the titanic, when it hit the giant iceberg. The boy grinned and formed more snowballs only to throw them away, as far as he could.
"Fear me!" Y/n's voice broke the silence around him as he jumped into the snow.

The boy squealed loudly and got up as fast as he could when he felt the cold substance entering through the open part of his jacket at his neck, falling right through his hoodie. As it touched the warm skin on his back, it began to melt and left wet lines when it was flowing down. For him it felt like somebody ran over his spine with icy fingers and just the thought of that made him shiver like crazy. It felt nearly as cold as Michael's touch but the older man's hands felt way colder on y/n's skin than the snow right now.
"Noooo!" The e/c eyed boy whined loudly while he tried to get the snow out.

He didn't notice the older man behind him who leaned against the cabin and watched the struggling boy without thinking about telling y/n that he was back. The fact that something like this could make the boy whine like that enjoyed him and while he continued to watch him he tried to push the thought off that he'd like to hear other sounds out of the boy's mouth as well. The cold wind blew through the man's dark locks and revealed his dark orbs, that followed every movement y/n made. The small snowflakes that landed on his dark brown coat and his hair gave him a soft aura.

After a while, Michael pushed himself off the wall and walked up to y/n. He pulled on the hood of his jacket, causing the e/c eyed boy to stumble backwards and squeal out of surprise.
"What the hell?" The boy turned around and looked at the older man who tilted his head a little and looked at the smaller boy in front of him.
"You scared me, you shithead!"
Y/n yelled as he tried to push the other to make him fall into the snow but he failed miserably.

Michael grinned a little and grabbed the boy at his waist before he carefully pressed him against his chest. He brushed through the smaller boy's h/c hair and kissed the top of his head in apology before he picked him up and carried him into the cabin.
Y/n sulked and crossed his arms but he let the older man carry him since he was too lazy to walk on his own right now.

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