Chapter 17

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Loomis felt like he was about to explode.

He sat in his vehicle and drove in front of the police car as they were on their way back to Haddonfield.
He and the sheriff had a fight but it ended as quick as it started since Loomis didn't want to spend the night in a cell because he disrespected an officer and got involved in a case even though he was told to stay out of this.

The sheriff was furious about how the whole situation had escalated even though he thought that everything was under control. He couldn't understand why the other man had to get into this whole thing and ruin everything they had planed.

Loomis had tried to explain to the sheriff that he knew exactly where Michael and y/n were and that they still had the chance to get them before they would move again but the sheriff didn't want to hear anything of that. He just yelled at Loomis for not being obedient even though he's the sheriff and he had told him that he shouldn't get involved in this case.

They drove out of the town and followed the road that led through the field, also towards the cabin where Loomis last saw the boy. He knew that he would get in trouble but he wanted to end this as quick as possible so he sped up to get there before Michael could take the chance and run off to another place with the boy.

The sheriff noticed that Loomis was going faster than before so he sped up as well to make sure that the, in his eyes, psychopath couldn't get away.
If he had to he would even ask for back-up and bring the man behind bars where he couldn't do anything.

The old man sped up even more as he saw the small pathway that led to the cabin in the distance. He needed to get there before it was too late and this time he didn't want to lose against the murderer.

He stopped the car abruptly and got out as fast as he could before he ran up the hill. He was hoping that it wasn't too late and that they were still there. If they were already gone his chance of finding them again would be very little and he'd probably go to prison for his actions.

The sheriff cursed under his breath when he stopped his vehicle before he quickly jumped out of it.
He didn't think twice and followed Loomis while complaining about how stupid the hill was.

He was out of breath within seconds since he wasn't used to move around this much. This case in general was the first one in 10 years where he had to solve more than just a noise complain or a small thievery. He wasn't used to something like solving murder and chasing people anymore since the last big incident in Haddonfield was 1978, when Michael killed the friends of Laurie Strode.

As he finally reached the top of the hill he stopped for a second and looked around to see where Loomis was. That's when he noticed the cabin. The sheriff didn't think twice and walked towards it, anger raging inside of him.

"Loomis! Get out of there immediately!" His deep and raspy voice broke the silence around him.
He tried to stay calm but the other man made it hard for him.

After a while the other man stepped out of the wooden building.
His face showed no emotions but his eyes showed disappointment and anger. Loomis slammed the door and walked towards the sheriff, pulling something out of his coat pocket.

"You can't tell me that you don't remember this." Loomis said as he held a white mask in the air before he threw it at the sheriff who catched it with one hand and observed the mask. His eyes widened when he noticed that this really was the one that belonged to Myers.
It wasn't as cleam as the last time he saw it and there were a few parts where the white paint came off the mask but this was definitely the one of the Shape.

The sheriff looked at Loomis as he put the mask away and walked closer to him, confusion and written all over his face.
"Where is he?"

Loomis sighed as he saw the anger in the other man's eyes.
"I told you that we have to do something before he can run off again. You should have listened to me the first time I came to you. They're not here anymore but that won't stop me from trying to find them."

The sheriff rubbed his temple while he sank deep into his thoughts.
This was the change to find the man that killed many innocent people, one of them his beloved daughter.
Now that he knew that it was really Myers that was behind all of this, he was more than ready to find him and take revenge.

"I'll help you. But this has to stay between the both of us. I can't risk to lose my job because of this."
The sheriff turned around and began to walk down the hill towards his car.

Loomis grinned.
He wasn't alone anymore and his change to get Michael wasn't as low as he thought it was.
There must be some clues that would help them to find the boy and the psychopath since he knew that Michael couldn't live without murder.
"I will find and kill you Myers. And I sure as hell will make sure that you won't come back this time."

Neeeeeeeeew chapter
Sorry that this one is so short (again)
I know I said that I'll try to write longer chapters but...I kinda don't want to make the one's with Loomis too long.
Thank you for over 8k views*---*
Still can't believe that you are actually reading this xD
But it makes me happy^^

See ya next week!!(hopefully)

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