Chapter 29

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The doctor tried to keep his breath steady and, more importantly, quiet, if that was even possible. Each step he took on the wooden stair could make a noise (if it decided to fuck him up and suddenly creak) so if he wasn't being careful he would be doomed.
As long as he wasn't sure who exactly was down there he needed to be on guard (though he was sure that it was Michael or at least that's what his head kept telling him).

It was quiet downstairs; there was no sign of anyone being there but Loomis knew better. He reached the bottom of the staircase, took a deep breath and grabbed for the next best thing he could use as a weapon, which happened to be a vase (he would have taken his gun out but Leigh had made sure to not leave it with the doctor, for what he was he was cursing him now).

As soon as he got a hold of the vase he heard someone rattling at the door, as if they were desperately trying to get into the house but had troubles with opening the door. Loomis prepared himself to attack and as soon as the door opened Loomis raised the object (which was a 25 thousand dollar collector's item, something that couldn't be replaced) over his head, ready to smash it in the intruder's face.

As soon as a head popped up behind the now open door, Loomis could react in time before he actually did what he originally planned on doing; the guy who showed up at the front door was no other than Anderson, the officer they had been send as back-up.
"Sonofabitch, are you fucking stupid? I thought you were Michael you retarded piece if shit!" Loomis yelled into the officer's face, who seemed more than surprised at the doctor's reaction.

He began to stumble over his words, trying to find an explanation even though he didn't need to explain anything. But Loomis silenced him before he could say anything; he wasn't in the mood to listen to anything the officer got to say. There were more important things to do at the moment and he needed to do concentrate on those.

"Did you see anything odd while you were out there? For example, I don't know, maybe a really big guy?" Loomis asked, sounding more sarcastic even though this was a serious question. But to his disappointment Anderson just shook his head. "Pretty sure I was the only one out there." He mumbled. Or at least I hope I was the only one out there.

Loomis pushed the young man out of his way to get into the living room, observing the windows to see if any of them were broken. But they weren't.
"What the fuck was that noise then?" Loomis mumbled to himself, earning a confused look from Anderson, who had followed him without hesitating.

"What noise?" He asked.
"It sounded like someone broke a window. Or something else that is made out of glass." Loomis said.
Anderson squinted his eyes and started chewing on his lower lip; he was thinking.

"Have you checked the backdoor already? There is a small window in the door, probably big enough to fit a hand through there." Loomis turned to him with wide eyes, any emoition just wiped off his face.
"There is a backdoor?"
Anderson nodded and crossed his arms, pointing with his head toward the direction where it was.

Loomis didn't hesitate and ran past the officer, toward the backdoor. He stopped when he stepped onto something that crunched under his shoes. He looked down and lifted one foot, his eyes widened. Glass.
"He's here." Loomis turned stumbled backwards and bumped right into Anderson, who seemed surprised.

"Who's here?" He asked. But he got no answer. Loomis grabbed the officer by the collar and pulled him away from the door, and pushed him toward the stairs. "Go upstairs and join the sheriff and y/n. They should be still talking so you can't miss the room they're in. And, for the love of god, be quiet."

The now more confused officer hesitated, but then decided it would be best to just listen to the man who, in his eyes, was clearly out of his mind. Loomis watched Anderson stumble up the stairs. An annoyed sigh slipped over the doctor's lips when the man finally reached the top. He had no idea what he should do now but he had to come up with a plan, fast. He went back into the living room and looked around for something that could count as a weapon; what he didn't know was that Anderson never reached the room with Leigh and y/n. He was now lying in the closet of the master bedroom, blood dripping out of the wound at his temple.

Meanwhile, Leigh and y/n talked more about the relationship between the boy and Michael. Leigh listened closely when y/n told him about the dates he and Michael had, surprised about how normal the situation now felt. He started to feel bad for the boy, who probably won't be happy for much longer. He had to arrest Michael, that was his job. And it's not like Myers did something he could let him get away with; he's a murderer. He slaughtered many innocent people, one of them being Leigh's daughter. And even if he wanted to, he couldn't let this man go without feeling guilty. I promised to get the man who did this to you Annie. And for forgive me for hurting the boy with this but I have to keep the promise I made.

Leigh sighed. Y/n had already stopped talking and was now looking at the sheriff with a concerned expression. "Is everything all right?" He asked carefully, not sure if this question was appropriate at the moment. But Leigh just smiled, pushing all the thoughts he had a second ago in the back of his mind. "Yeah, sorry for worrying you. I just thought about what I want to eat when I finally get home. Hope my wife makes as something special for her old husband." He said with a huge grin on his face.

Y/n observed the sheriff with furrowed brows. He just noticed how tired the sheriff was looking and that he seemed a lot older than he actually was. He had noticed that he got less hair than before and that the little hair he had was mostly grey. It wasn't like this when he'd last seen him. He noticed the wrinkles that were now standing out a lot, which made the man look at least 10 years older.

He knew that Leigh had something that put him under a lot of stress, but he didn't want to push him to his limits just to find out what it was.
Instead, he put a smile on, thinking about what they could talk about next. But his and Leigh's attention got pulled toward the door, as they heard heavy footsteps in the hallway. They both shared a concerned look before the sheriff motioned y/n to crawl back into the closet. The boy did was he was told to, though he didn't really wanted to.

Leigh pushed himself off the floor and grabbed his gun, pointing it towards the door as he released the safety clip, ready to shoot if he had to. The footsteps got louder and stopped right in front of the door. After that was nothing but silence. Leigh held his breath and so did y/n, both of them waiting for what would happen next.
Leigh's eyes were focused on the doorknob, which slowly started to turn to the left.

The door slowly creaked open and Leigh fired his gun. Y/n jumped at the loud noise, holding his hands in front if his mouth to stop himself from crying out. He heard loud noises outside the closet, as if a fight was going on. Y/n wanted to know what was going on, but he didn't dare to take a peek through the holes in the closet door.

The gun got fired a few more times before everything went completely silent again. That's when someone opened the closet, staring down at the scared boy who pressed himself against the wall. Y/n raised his head to look up, his eyes widened when he recognised Michael's face.
"You fucking bastard, I thought you left me for good!" He yelled as he jumped into his arms.

Michael put his arms around his lover's waist, pulling him closer to his chest. The boy spotted the sheriff's body on the floor and just as he was about to freak out Michael put a hand over his mouth and muffled the angry scream that he let out. "He's alive." He said, removing his hand from y/n's mouth when he was sure that he calmed down.

The boy sighed relieved, a soft smile formed on his lips. "Glad you learned how to listen to me." He grinned. Michael just stared at him with his usual expression befire he picked him up and carried him toward the door.
"We have to leave." He said, stepping into the hallway. That's when they heard someone fire a gun at them. The bullet hit Michael's arm, but he didn't seem like he cared at all. His eyes just focused on the man with the gun; at the end of the hallway, with a wide grin on his face, stood Loomis, still pointing the gun at them.

Neeeeeew chapter\(0o0)/
Hope you like it and that it's not too crappy xD
As you can see, we're really coming to an end, and I'm kinda excited for how you'll react to the last chapter.
Well...see ya in the next chapter!!! XD

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