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A/N: Apparently my Laurmani feels cannot be stopped because I just wrote a small drabble about soft alpha Lauren and omega Normani. Whoops.

Enjoy the very very rare time I write Lauren as an alpha. It's a miracle.

Read and enjoy, and apologies for the shortness. :)


Lauren grumbled and cursed whoever was calling her as her phone vibrated loudly on the nightstand next to her bed.

She immediately took it back when the caller ID told her it was Normani calling.

"Manibear?" she questioned in greeting, her voice still raspy from sleep.

"I know it's early and you have an interview in a few hours," Normani apologized, speaking fast and almost incomprehensible. "I just, I just, I can't sleep and I hate you bothering about this when I know you're away because of work and just- I can't sleep."

Lauren sat up, dragging the uncomfortable hotel blanket with her. "Mani, honey, it's okay," she assured. "Why can't you sleep?"

"You're not here," the older girl replied immediately. "Which is stupid, because I know you're coming back."

Lauren gave a small smile to herself. "I am coming back. I just have a few interviews and performances to do."

"I know that," Normani huffed, and Lauren smiled as she imagined the girl nestled in their huge bed with blankets surrounding her and an adorable pout on her face. "I just can't sleep."

Lauren idly wondered if Normani's heat was approaching and that was why she was unusually clingy. Sure, the omega loved affection and cuddling, but she wasn't open about just how clingy she could be unless her heat was near. However, Lauren refrained from asking about it.

"Is there anything I can do?"

Normani sighed from the other end of the call. "I don't know. Usually when you're gone, I wear my favorite shirt of yours, but I can't do that now. Leo got a hold of it the other day and chewed it up."

Lauren chuckled knowing the exact shirt Normani was referring to. "The black and gray striped one with the pocket over the left side?"

"Yes, that one! Leo chewed it up and ruined it, the bastard."

"You love him and you know it," Lauren argued back. "Check my dresser. The top drawer, left side."

Lauren listened as Normani grumbled about having to leave her nest of blankets because she was comfy then grinned as she heard the girl gasp.

"You have more of them?"

"You stole mine, so I went back and bought like four more, plus one that's like twice my size so there was one you could wear just for bed."

"Oh my god, I'm going to cry. You're the best," Normani replied, legitimately sounding like she was going to cry.

"Hey, no need for that," Lauren said gently. "Put one on and get back in bed," she instructed softly. "I'll stay on the phone until you fall asleep."

When Normani said she was back in bed, Lauren started softly singing the lyrics to a song she'd been working on over the past few weeks.

It didn't take long before she heard Normani's soft snores, and she hung up the phone.

She'd make sure Normani received as much cuddling as she needed when Lauren got home.


Normani woke up because her feet were cold. She hated that. She wouldn't be able to fall back asleep until they were warm again. However, the rest of her was warm and cozy under the blankets, and getting out of bed sounded like a terrible idea at the moment.

Luckily, there was a warm body sleeping behind her.

She pressed her feet to Lauren's legs.

"Jesus Christ, why are your feet so fucking cold," Lauren grumbled as she pushed Normani away.

"No, I need your body heat," Normani whined, pressing her feet to the alpha's legs again.

"Go get a pair of socks, damn. I don't want your ice cold feet touching me."

"Will you get me a pair, please?"

Lauren sighed and hid her face in her pillow before rolling off the bed. "You're lucky you're cute and carrying my pup. Otherwise I'd make you get them yourself."

Normani smirked. "You would get them for me anyways. You love me."

"Not at two in the morning when you're poking me with your popsicle feet."

Normani shoved the younger girl when she climbed back in bed. "Asshole."

Lauren pushed the blankets away and put the socks on for Normani. "Better?"

The dark skinned girl nodded and kissed the alpha's cheek. "Much, thank you."

Lauren nodded and pulled the blankets back up, wrapping them around her and Normani. She laid them back down and slung an arm around the omega's swollen stomach protectively. She rubbed circles around Normani's belly, earning a content sigh from the girl.

"Need anything else?" Lauren asked quietly.

Normani shook her head as she nuzzled back into Lauren. "Just you to hold me."

Lauren kissed the top of Normani's held and smiled. "That I can do."


A/N: Hopefully you enjoyed, let me know what you think!

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