idk what this is but I have no regrets

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A/N: Also known as the OT5 angst oneshot I've been working on that's 4.4k words long and shows you I should never be allowed near a word document ever again.

Okay, so some notes about this before you get to it:

1. Set in an a/o/b universe, which if you need to look it up feel free to or I'll answer to the best of my abilities. But basically, there are Alphas, Omegas, and Betas, and Betas are normal people, Alphas are seen as the strongest, and Omegas are generally seen as the weakest and most submissive. Normally, female Alphas are g!p, but I make no mention of that in this oneshot, so do with that what you want. It's also important to note that in this universe, Alphas, Betas, and Omega can release pheromones, and they change depending on what the person is feeling. It makes more sense when you read the oneshot, but you can find more info on that if you look it up.

2. So, Ot5 soulmate AU. It's explained, but there's a mention to mating, and while in most a/o/b fics the mating process involves sex, in this universe it doesn't. The mating mark (like a bite mark) just has to be done during an Omega's heat. And part of that was because I realized with the timeline Dinah and Camila could still be under the age of 18, and I didn't want to get into the whole underage sex stuff, and I kind of still messed up because mating under the age of 18 might still be bad but like it's all consensual but idk and I can always delete this if it becomes a major problem to some people. And I've read a lot worse fics that are worse but still, idk I might get a few complaints. The actual timeline of the oneshot is 2015, but the part where it talks about them mating is around mid 2014ish to early 2015, I'm too tired to actually think that part out.

3. I ain't a doctor or hold anything above an associate's degree so any medical stuff is highkey inaccurate.

4. Warning for gun violence. That's why this is angst, and probably the reason I will take this down at some point, I feel I might upset a few people with this, but again, I have seen way more violent fics, even in this specific fandom.

Okay, I think that's it for now, I'm sure I'll come back add more if I think anything later.

Again, 4.4k words showing why I should not be allowed near a word document. Read and (hopefully) enjoy because it's not all angst there's a happy ending I swear.


Lauren saw it before anyone, though she wouldn't be able to say what exactly it was later on.

They were doing a meet and greet, though it was slightly abnormal because they were doing it the day before a show instead of the day of.

Lauren loved meet and greets. She enjoyed interacting with their fans, and she liked that they were doing it the day before the show for once. They got to spend a little more time with each person, since they weren't in a rush to get through to prepare for the show. It always amazed her to hear how she and the other four girls impacted their fans' lives. From stories of coming out, to journeys of self love, Lauren was always enthralled by what their fans had to say.

Unfortunately, like every other meet and greet, they couldn't spend hours talking to one person, and eventually the event came to an end. The girls were headed back to the van that had brought them to the arena, hordes of fans lined up, screaming and waving CDs, posters, pictures, anything they wanted the girls to sign. It was chaos, but the security team and police officers were trying their best to get the girls to the vehicle as smoothly as possible.

An odd glint caught Lauren's eye, and suddenly the loud, excited shouts turned into loud, panicked shrieks. She didn't know what overcame her, but the next thing Lauren knew, she was throwing herself on top of Ally as two loud pops pierced the air before they fell to the ground.

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