The Mask of Love and Death

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After double-checking the name on the invitation, I placed it back in my purse

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After double-checking the name on the invitation, I placed it back in my purse. Putting on the sequined mask, I beamed a reassuring smile to the reflection on the taxi's window shield. Elm marked the sign on the street, my destination.

"Welcome to Prospero's manor", the guard at the front gate handed back the gilded card to me.

Ahead, the guests paraded into the interior of the mansion. Definitely our host knew how to throw party. Decorations were on point.

"Good Evening. Welcome to my home, Miss Marlene, if I'm not mistaken", the gentleman wearing the phantom of the opera mask, greeted me, kissing my hand.

"Thank you for inviting me, Mr. Prospero..."

"Call me Damiano, please", a pair of bright green eyes peeped amiably through the mask's holes.

"You have a gorgeous house, Damiano."

"Would you like a tour?"

"Sure", the answer slipped without hesitation.

For moments, it seemed to me that I've met him before, though I hadn't seen his face. His voice, as he described the place, sounded like lullaby, some forgotten melody from a bygone era. Holding champagne glasses, we crossed a set of interconnected rooms. First a blue one, followed by purple and green salons, spacious and inviting.

An orange one came fourth, such a contrast in color choices, stunning nonetheless. Contiguous, there was a white and bright room, displaying lavish artwork on its walls. It shocked me a bit the intensity in the crimson-painted stucco in the next space. The boldness in the tone came alluring and sensual, appealing to my senses, that soon were delighted to the man's proximity, feeling more comfortable.

My sight adjusted to the darkness in the last chamber. Hanging from the vaulted ceilings, a chandelier dimly illuminated the space, coated in black. Serving us more champagne, the host asked me to sit down.

"Why the different colors in the rooms?" I wanted to know.

"The stages of life. Since we're born: birth, youth, adolescence, adulthood, old age, imminent death..."

"And death... black is such a gorgeous color... I guess there's nothing else to see when we finally close our eyes.", I sighed, my eyes lost in the emerald glow of his.

"Because there's beauty darkness... beauty in death".

"It's just the end of our journey."

"I can assure you there's more... Don't you believe in life after death?"

"I don't believe in those things, I'm afraid."

"But you believe in love, don't you?" Prospero cupped my face in his hand. I quivered to his touch. Leaning closer, he kissed me. The man removed the mask, revealing to me the most stunning human face. If love had a face, it was his.

He kissed me again, trailing from my lips to the jaw line, where he stopped. "I can show you there's more", he whispered to my ear.

"Please do." I moaned.

A sharp pain stung with unbearable pleasure on my neck, then I saw life escaping off my body: blue, green, purple, orange, white, scarlet... and black.

***500 words on the dot, responding to WattVampires day 6 challenge in the #HalloweenVault. CoffeeCommunity

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