Running Lady

147 23 37

Chiaroscuro. Winter makes the sun sleeps for a bit longer and the night extends its bony fingers for more than the allowed time over the tropics. It seemed that I was leaving home to work earlier but it was only a bluff of a most common seasonal change.

In a hurry I closed my house front door and sprinted out the porch and was almost there to open the gate but the weird sensation of being observed made me stop. I scanned thoroughly the area staying behind the iron fence as I felt I was safer there.  There was no one on the sidewalk, the road and at the basketball court crossing the street. It was still too dark. I hesitated for a moment to unlock the bolt and waited... Nothing, not even a dog or cat. I peeped at my wrist watch and despite the weird sensation and the gloomy sky I knew it was time to go.

Closing the gate behind me, I scampered to open my car parked on front and quickly I got inside. Taking a deep breath I felt a little bit relieved that I've made it. A chuckle escaped my mouth as a mocking smile formed in my lips thinking that I must have looked silly running as if I was been haunted by something that even I wasn't able to see; because nothing was there. 'Me and my stupid overreacting imagination', I thought.

I turned on the radio and the A/C and put the jeep on drive, taking a look at the street through the rear mirror. That's when I saw it. Dressed in a white robe with dark disheveled hair a woman ran after me. She moved so quickly, almost like floating over the pavement in a spider like motion. Her mouth open as if she was screaming and her eyes grew blacker  as she neared my car. It was the most terrifying sighting and believe my I've witnessed too many creepy thing to tell you I was totally freaked out by that.

My heart hammered inside my chest and my whole body stiffened. I wasn't able to drive a single meter  more and I was forced to stop the car in the middle of the street. I saw she coming, getting closer; her pitch dark eyes glistening like hell staring fixedly at me in the reflection of the rear mirror. The ghastly woman reached the car and I closed my eyes instinctively. There was absolute silence and a freezing cold invaded the interior of my car. Then she screamed in a screeching high pitch voice making the window panes to vibrate and deafened me. The radio turned off in the moment I felt a gelid gust climbing up my spine. It was the sensation of death crawling, running through my veins. My heart stopped for a second! I swear I felt I died for a moment. My mind went blank and the most horrid images and voices got inside my brain making me feel nauseous.

All of the sudden it was over. The radio turned on and my heart began pumping once more. I opened my eyes to see whatever it was, was gone. I stared back the road through the rear mirror again, only to see the sun rising over the green hills.

***This one happened to me about three days before today (publication date) and it felt so horrible. A most terrifying experience! I guess it's the collateral effect of having a historical graveyard a block away and being able to see sh*tty things.

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