Monologue of a Child's Ghost

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Monologue of a Child's Ghost

Time goes by... And I'm still here, hidden inside this closet. I cry unwanted, unsalted and intangible tears of solitude. I've grounded myself, confining my eternal existence to this dark and tiny space. I'm accustomed to that; I've always done this way. So it's fine for me.

People come and go... Some of them stay longer than others, but all of them hate me. Hate, fear, suffering, sadness; those are the only feelings I've known for so long. But Why? I've haven't done any wrong. Never I did to deserve what happened to me before and to live -it can't be called living anyway- this way until the end of times... Of their time. Hours don't leave a scar on me anymore. Nobody can.

Happiness comes just in a short spam, a brief spark of light in my dim world. I don't bother them... I keep quiet like my mother always told me to do because she couldn't stand my voice. She yelled at me and locked me inside the closet for hours until one day she silenced me... forever. She too hated me!

When newly kids move in I'm happy. When they open the closet and find me, they smile, inviting me to play those games I love so much. That's the only thing I've ever wanted: to play. So I leave my confinement and sit with them. We talk and laugh and sing. They even let me use their gadgets.

Feeling free once again, I walk around the house; a house that was mine... A house that feels again like home. I try to be careful, to keep quiet but they always find me -adults- when I move things and grab the toys to play, or when I sing and laugh. When kids talk to me and I reply. Then they go away, leaving me here, alone again. Nobody likes me... No one ever did.

Standing behind the window, I watch them leave. My friends wave good bye. Sun rises and sets. Another sales sing is placed. It's time to go inside my closet. Maybe if I still quiet... very quiet, like my mother told me to, people will love me some time.

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