-Chapter 3-

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Picture in Media is my character Milo. (Aka Embers husband)
Also I'm going to select a group of characters that will be the main group, really just because it would be difficult to just have all of them at once.

I also wanted to know if you'd like special chapters? Like a backstory chapter for a specific character. Let me know mmaannnnnn.


"Y/n dear! Are you awake?" A familiar voice rang through my door.

"Yes I'm awake grandpa Milo..!" I excitedly got up from the bed and swung the door open. 

Immediately I was engulfed in a large hug. "Ohhhh! Emy told me everything! What happened? Is Liam and his wife okay?"

I laughed at his worries. "No, mom and dad are fine. And it wasn't something to crazy, just something I need to work on."

"But what was it..?"

"Not right now. How have you been?" I asked while sitting in the white chair that was next to a window.

"I'm okay, a little stressed with the recent arrivals of pastas.. There's so many in such little time, that's supposed to be impossible." 

"That's right.. You and Grandpa Ember are in charge of assigning pastas to mansions, right?"

"Yes, but Ben wont let anyone into his."

"How did he even inherit that mansion.. They're supposed to stay within the family, right? Shouldn't you and Ember have it? Or mom and dad..?"

"He inherited it through marriage. Its his, and no one will bring themselves to ask him to move here instead. But its actually perfectly fine, most of the originals moved there after the whole hunters war."

"So there's space.. But specific pastas need to go there." I looked down remembering what my father had explained to me not to long ago.

There was a system of assigning pastas to mansions to regulate any growth. The mansion I'm in is Slenders. This is where pastas start out and stay until they move to one of the others.

Trenders mansion is where most of the girls go, such as Jane The Killer, Clockwork, Sally, Nina The Killer, etc. Its the most sane and clean of the bunch.

Offenders mansion was for those who died by circumstances that we wont talk about.

Splenders mansion.. Or now Bens mansion, used to be for pastas like Laughing Jack, Laughing Jill (Who actually stayed in Trenders mansion), Dr. Smiley, and Geri the killer. Crazy and fun loving. But now its the home of the originals, such as Jeff The Killer, Kat, Bella, E.j, Masky, etc.

We may be killers, but we aren't without organization.

"But anyways, you're welcome to walk around. No one really kills here, and we're mostly docile until provoked. You'll just be questioned a bit." Milo began to stand up and walk outside. "I'm sure you'll enjoy meeting a few of them."


"If you need anything to eat ask Slender, he's probably in his office per usual!" 



I was walking around a bit,  and I've met a few people so far. Such as Sorcerer (or Amy as she told me to call her), Phantom (I was told to call her Lilly), I got to know Term more.. He just told me to call him that.

Term isn't the nicest to me.. And there's this kid (I learned he was actually Terms age but looked like a kid) he avoids a lot, I don't know why though.

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