~ Going Karaoke part 2 ~

Start from the beginning

The triangular droid chirped and chimed as it playful hovered around Pidge. From what you heard, Rover was cyan on dark grey. You weren't able to snag a bot from G-tech but you did the best you could after remembering what you had learnt from Pidge and Matt.

"Oh my gosh!" Pidge jumped out of her seat and threw her arms around Elizabeth. "Thank you so much, Liz! I missed Rover so much."

Liz grinned ear to ear as she snuggled her head on top of Pidge's. "I'm just happy to get my little sister to smile."

"You mean sister-in-law" Pidge smirked.

Elizabeth blushed, glancing at Matt as he strolled across the room to check the monitor.

"Shiro and Lance are here!"

Everyone bolted to the screen. Lance, Izel, Shiro and Iris filed in together. The four were in conversation immediately. Lance had begun their interaction with a heartfelt embrace while the girlfriends waved to their acquaintance.

The four were greeted with an extroverted ginger man the moment they entered the floor. "Greetings all! My name is Coran Hieronymus Wimbleton Smythe, but you can call me Coran. I'm here with my service and hope that you will enjoy your stay here! Follow me!"

Shiro and Lance looked at each other with a look of amusement.

"What happened to Coran while I was away?" Shiro laughed.

"Well after you left, a lot of things happened," Lance answered, "Keith went on to fight with the Blades, Hunk and I just started to live a normal life. The Holts, however, still continued to work against G-tech. Looks like things are getting worse, they're starting to expand on their trafficking market."

Shiro's face twisted in remorse and anger. "Well, I'm glad I'm back just in time."

"Hell yeah, you're glad. Wait till you see Hunk! Since his girlfriend started dating him, the guy has been seriously gaining some beef on his arms."

"Huh, that's kind of sad," Shiro pouted, "I kind of liked it when Hunk was the adorable panda of the group."

Coran led the group to the very end of the building where a large section was cut off from the other small rooms. "Here we are!" Coran swivelled around to his audience and immediately bowed. "Your tickets please."

Shiro and Lance stepped to the side as Iris and Izel passed their ticket and coupons. The two gave each other a small smile before Coran swooped up their pass.

"Ah, looks like you have the dinner coupon as well! Just ring the bell on the table inside and we'll come running to take your order! Enjoy your stay at The Tavern!" Coran smiled ear to ear and quickly dashed off to the front desk as a small group of young men paid for a two-hour session.

Shiro and Lance looked at each other as they paced the black door in front of them.



Lance threw the door open catching Pidge, Matt and Elizabeth off guard. "What is this?"

Matt slowly turned to Lance and slammed the lid of the laptop down. Pidge yelped at the close call on her fingers.

"Just checking out our FBI agent," Matt chuckled.

Lance gave him an unfazed look, narrowing his gaze. He marched up to the group with his arms crossed, back hunched over.

"Are you sure?" Lance glared at the closed laptop. "Looks like you're hiding something. Come on, what were you doing on the laptop? I saw security footage on the screen."

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