Chapter 9

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Mind Games


I woke up to the sound of Olivia's voice. The doctors were there to examine me. Honestly I'm scared about what they're going to tell me. I can't remember a thing. I don't know how I ended up here. Hell I don't even know what day it is. I'm just ready to get out of here.


"Zane, baby, you have to wake up. The doctor's are here to see you." I watched as she opened her eyes slowly. I stood back as the doctor examined Zane.

"How are you feeling today, Zane?" She looked at him and answered reluctantly.

"I'm f-fine." She stuttered. I noticed she was nervous. I thought to myself she had nothing to worry about. I was the one that should be nervous.

"Can you look at this light for me?" The doctor asked her as he checked her eyes. Everything seemed to be fine until he began to ask her questions.

"What year is it Zane?" She pauses before she guessed at the question.

"2017." She eased out. I was concerned because it was 2018. She did just wake up from a coma so the year wasn't that important. I waited as the doctor asked her more questions.

"Do you know why you're here?" The doctor asked. Zane searched for words to say but only one came out.

"No." I was puzzled by her answer. How could she not remember the accident? I didn't doubt her just yet. Then the doctor gave her one final question.

"How long have you and Ms. Olivia been together?" Zane looked at me and tilted her head to the side. She saw how worried I was. She slowly turned back towards the doctor and answered his question.

"Together? We just met yesterday after I woke up." That was the most shocking thing I've heard come out of her mouth today. The doctor looked at me. The only thing I could do was wipe the tears from my eyes.

"Baby I know we're going through a tough time but I know you remember how long we were together. So, stop being upset with me and just be honest with the doctor sweetie." Zane stared at me for a second and exhaled.

"Olivia I'm serious. We just met yesterday. I honestly don't know why I'm here. Doc can I just go home." She looked at the Doctor as he wrote on the chart.

"Olivia can I speak with you for just a second." I followed behind him quickly. I knew this couldn't be good.

"Zane's concussion from the accident is causing amnesia. She can't remember the time you two have spent together which makes me believe it's retrograde amnesia. She remembers your name so that's good because it's not anterograde amnesia. She can hold short term information and store it for long term information." I stood there in silence as the doctor explained everything to me. When he was finished I asked him a few questions.

"So how long will this last?" I spoke in a low register.

"I'm not sure. Zane's brain has to heal itself on its own. It's just a waiting game at this point." I sighed as I felt my heart sink.

"What about surgery?" I asked.

"I want to avoid surgery. It's very high risk and if it isn't a success she can have permanent memory loss." I hung my head and cried harder.

"I'm so sorry. I wish there was more I could do." The doctor expressed with sorrow. I stared at her from the other side of the door and exhaled.

"Yeah me too." I mumbled. I knew this was all my fault. Why didn't I just talk to her about it? I loved Zane but I've seen good relationships go bad. I needed more than love to trust her. I needed more than 3 years to show me that she wouldn't cheat on me. I told myself that I would not play the fool like my mother and I meant that. Now look at where it's gotten me. I walked back into the room to explain to Zane everything that was going on.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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