Chapter 6

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1 Is The Loneliest Number

"Olivia baby please! I haven't seen you in three months and we go to the same fucking school. I don't know how many times I have to apologize. Baby I'm sorry." This has been my life for the past three months. She's outside my room everyday. I'm tired of it now.

"Olivia you should seriously just hear her out. She sounds genuine." My roommate said for the hundredth time.

"Tiffany, I'm done. I'm not trying to be with anyone who can't respect my wishes. I only asked her to do simple things. Don't lie, cheat, smoke, drink, and break my heart. And what does she do?" I said as I felt the tears stream down my face.

"She does all of the above." I whispered. I got out of my bed and swung my door open. Zane was standing there looking like a total wreck. Her hair was everywhere, her eyes were full of tears, and her face screamed exhaustion. I was still happy to see her but I'm not going to show it. As soon as she saw me her face lit up with joy.

"Baby, I mi-

"Zane stay away from my door. I don't want to hear anything you have to say. Anything. I'm not changing my mind anytime soon. So stop. Please." She looked down and I closed the door and slid down the other side.

"NO! I won't stop. If that means it takes the rest of my life. Olivia I love you and you know I that. I would never hurt you. I don't understand why your love for me won't let you see that. I'm not letting go of us." I pulled my knees in my chest and dropped my head down. These tears were well needed.


"Maybe you should try flowers auntie." Thomas said as we tried to come up with a solution.

"Thomas, Olivia is not your generic girl. Flowers aren't going to work." I brushed my hair back in defeat.

"Auntie I'm sorry. Y'all were a perfect couple. I just don't get why she won't believe you." He said as he rubbed my back

"She won't believe me because of her bitch ass friend, Ebony." I rolled my eyes at the sound of her name.

"God I'm so stupid. I should've never went to that fucking party." I screamed.

"I probably shouldn't have asked you to come. Then you guys would still be together. This is all my fault." Thomas sighed as he shook his head.

"No. Don't blame yourself. None of this is your fault. I promise." He smiled and I hugged him. Then there was a knock at my door. I ran at full speed because I'm hoping it's Olivia. Unfortunately it's not. I stood there with plain face as I waited on the girl to speak.

"Hi. I'm Tiffany, Olivia's roommate. Can I come in." I was confused as to why she was here but I let her in. She sat down on the bed next to a drooling Thomas. I could see why he was drooling. Tiffany was tall, had a light complexion, beautiful features, blonde curly hair, long smooth legs, and enough cleavage for Thomas to be hypnotized by it.

"Um Thomas we'll talk later." He still sat there staring at her. Ignoring his auntie. I think not.

"THOMAS!!" He jumped at the sound of my voice and came to me with a quickness. She giggled at our antics.

"Give us a minute to talk. I'll call you." He shook his head in agreement and left. I closed the door behind him.

"Okay so what's up?" I asked Tiffany.

"I hear you outside the room everyday. She's not over you, you know? She's just putting up a front to prove her point but you're slowly getting to her. I think what you're doing is so romantic and sweet. It's kind of sexy too." She ran her finger down my cheek and I looked away.

"I'm here if you need any help. If you need anything at all I will not hesitate to give it to you. I know you've been lonely and hurting. I can give you what you need." Now she was really close to me. Her lips were inches away from mine and I was feeding into her every word. She was right I have been lonely and I'm beyond hurt. Olivia doesn't even care. So, why should I?

"What do I need?" I asked her softly.

"A woman's touch." Then softly kissed my lips. I was hesitant at first and didn't kiss back. Then after a second I kissed back. When I kissed Tiffany it didn't do anything but make me want Olivia more. Every feeling I was feeling for her I pushed back because I was so determine to do this. I wanted to actually hurt Olivia. So, I kept kissing her and she proceeded to lay down. I straddled her and slipped her shirt off. I gawked at her amazing physique and admired what was in front me. I wrapped my hand around her neck and kissed my way down to her breast. I left hickeys all across her chest. As she moaned all I could hear was Olivia's moans. That's when the flashbacks of us started. Every smile, laugh, tear, fight, and every kiss we ever shared played in mind like a slideshow. Then I paused. Hurting Olivia is something I could never see my self doing. I can't do this. I can't get the girl out of my head. I got off of Tiffany and sat on the bed.

"Fuck!" I screamed in pure agony. Tiffany sat up and rubbed my back.

"I'm sorry Tiffany. I just can't. Even when we're not together it feels as if I'm cheating." I looked at her with tears in my eyes.

"It's okay. You love her. I understand." She grabbed her shirt and slipped it back on with a quickness.

"But seriously if you need anything" She smiled. I nodded my head in agreement and she kissed me again before she left. Damn am I really going crazy.
Filler ✨
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