Chapter 4

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When I arrived at Olivia's room my palms started to sweat and I became light-headed. Before I could knock on the door I start to  see stars and I become dizzy. A gust of wind hits my face as Olivia swings the door opens and attacks me with an abundance of kisses.

"Hey baby!" She squealed in excitement. "I missed you so much." She planted kiss after kiss on my face and I slowly crept into the room.

"I missed you too." I replied before I softly kissed her lips. When she started to pull away I cupped her cheeks and gazed into her hazel eyes. I almost cried just thinking about the bomb I'm about to drop on her.

"Baby what's wrong?" I knew my facial expression made her worry. It was one that showed dissapointment and fear. I knew she was worried about me but I couldn't respond. She placed her hand behind my neck and gently shook me.

"Baby? Answer me." She sharply turned my head towards her and my eyes were swelling with tears at this point.

"Huh?" I croaked.

"Are you alright? You're scaring me." She whispered. I looked into her eyes and I saw my whole future being ripped away from me. It's killing me that I have to tell her this.

"We need to talk." I grabbed her hand and held onto it for dear life. I nervously guided her to the bed and we sat down. I was a wreck and she could tell. I can't breathe, I'm panicking every five seconds, and my heart is racing like a bugatti going its top speed. I feel as if I'm going to faint but I shake myself and proceed to tell her.

"Baby you know I love you and that I would never hurt you intentionally." She shifts in her seat and raises her eyebrow.

"Yeah." She replied hestitantly. I took the deepest breathe of my entire life and exhaled loudly.

"Well. Nevermind." I'm having second thoughts about doing this. Liv looks at me intently and places her hand on my shoulder.

"Baby what's going on with you?" I opened my mouth to reply but someone begin beating the door like they're life dependened on it to open.

"Hold that thought for just one second." Olivia stands up and walks over to the door. I fall back on the bed and close my eyes. I wait for her to come back so this nightmare can be over.

"Hey Ebony! Wassup?" As soon as I heard that name my eyes popped open. I sat up and looked at her with utter fear and disgust.

"I wanted to talk you about something." She said as she stumbled over her words but managed to get a complete sentence out.

"Well can it wait. Somethings up with Zane and she won't just tell me." She raised one eyebrow and changed her stance.

"How about this I'll see if I can get it out of her and you go take a walk or something." Ebony batted her long, curly eyelashes and Olivia fell for it. The next thing I know Ebony's sitting across from and Olivia's leaving the room.

"Okay baby just talk to Ebony. I'll only be gone for a second." With that she leaves us alone and I exhale in relief.

"What are you doing?" Ebony shouts at me after she punches my arm.

"What the fuck does it look like? I'm telling my girlfriend what happened. Rapist." She stood up and began to pace the floor.

"Have you lost your mind? Are you trying to lose your girlfriend?" She yelled at me. I stood up along with her.

"No I'm trying to be honest with her." I yelled as I grabbed her arm so she could stop walking.

"Fuck honesty. You know how Olivia feels about cheaters. She vowed never to go through what her mother went through and know you're going to make her endure that." As much as I didn't want to admit Ebony was right. I never wanted to see her in as much pain as her mother. I plopped down on the bed and pushed my hair back.

"What the fuck am I going to do?" I laid back on the bed and sighed. As I laid there I could feel Ebony slowly creep closer to me. When she was close enough she quickly hopped in my lap ran her hands down my stomach.

"Baby please don't tell her. I want you again." She bit her lip and I can't lie she knew how to turn me on. I was horny and disgusted all at the same time.

"Ebony stop. Why can't you get it through your head that I'm in love with Liv. I'm not ruining what we have for you. Now get off of me." I sat up and placed my hands on her waist. I tried to move her but this girl just doesn't quit.

"Ebony get off of me! Ugh!" I rolled my eyes and listened to her whines.

"Zane why are you fighting me?" At this point the sexual tension is thick. The way she's talking is sending chills down my spine. I wanted to do some stuff with Ebony no lie but the love I have for Liv wouldn't allow me. She would never do me like this. While I'm in deep thought Ebony tries to kiss me. Before I could snatch away all hell breaks loose.
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