Chapter 5

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A Woman Scorned

"Okay you guys I'm ba--" Olivia chimed before she walked in and saw us. Ebony and I froze up as Olivia stood there in disbelief. With no warning Olivia pushed Ebony as hard as she could. Her body hit the ground with a large thud and I  stood to my feet. I walked toward Liv and reached for her hand but she snatched back.

"Liv let me explain. It's not what it looks like." Her face was already turning red and I added to her anger with the phrase. She popped me upside my head and started yelling.

"What the fuck do you mean it's not what it looks like? My best friend was in your lap and 2 inches away from your fucking lips!" Ebony started to stand up.

"Baby it wasn't me. Your friend is batshit crazy." Olivia glances at Ebony and waits for an explanation.

"Ever since that night at the party she won't leave me alone." I blurted out.

"What happened at the party?" Olivia asked. I swallowed hard and exhaled. Ebony tried to leave but Liv is blocking the door.

"Tell me!" Both Ebony and I jump back startled by her rage. At this point I was terrified, frustrated, and sick. I just wanted to get this off my chest but it's hard to talk when a lump is forming in your throat and your mouth and lips become dryer than the Sahara desert. I start to speak and Ebony bumps me.

"No." She pleads. I look back and tell her yes. Olivia notices our small talk and becomes furious.

"Bitch shut up!" She screams at Ebony. "Zane. Speak. NOW!" Both of us are shocked at her outburst and to prevent anymore I start running my mouth like crazy.

"So at the party Thomas abandoned me for his friends. So there I was all alone. When out of nowhere you're bestfriend shows up. She makes me feel more comfortable and flirts with me a little before she leaves. After she leaves Stacy asked if I wanted to hit this blunt and I agreed." Now I could see out of the corner of my eye Olivia turning a crimson red as she stared at Ebony. Before I could continue the story she put her hand up.

"Hold on for a second Zane. You we're flirting with my girlfriend?" Ebony fixed her mouth to lie but Olivia cut her off rather quickly. Then she turns to me.

"And you just decided to smoke that night huh?" I couldn't even get my answer out before she told me to finish the story.

"Well I only hit it twice. I didnt think those two hits would affect me that much. So after I smoked I was higher than a kite and I didn't want to drive home so I went upstairs and slept at the frat house. Before I could completely go to sleep your "best friend" comes in the room and takes advantage of me." A look of confusion spreads across her face.

"What do you mean takes advantage of you?" Olivia asks hoping for another answer.

"Baby she had sex with me without my consent." Ebony begins to snicker an evil laugh.

"It was very consensual." She lies.

"No it wasn't. I was high as hell. How would I agree to that?" I looked at this girl dumbfounded.

"Your hands did most of the talking and your lips. Oh let's not forget your moans." I know Olivia is pissed because she begins to pull on her ears. Then she yells at both of us.

"SHUT UP!" Tears roll down her face and we turned to her quickly.

"You slept with my best friend? And you slept with my girlfriend?" She says through her cries.

"Baby it wasn't like that. You're making it sound like I decided to go out and cheat. I would never do that. What I'm telling you is that your friend had her way with me while I was high. I don't know everything she did to me." Ebony scoffed and grabbed Olivia's hand.

"Liv you're girlfriend had her way with me. She forced me. I said no again and again but she wasn't taking it for an answer. So I gave in. I'm so sorry Liv." She started to cry crocodile tears and I rolled my eyes.

"Stop talking. Both of you." She takes a deep breathe and sits on the bed. I reach for her hand but she snatches back immediately.

"I blame both of you. Zane you had no business smoking and Ebony you are my best friend and there's no way I would've slept with anyone you we're with. So both of you can stop with stories cause I don't know who to believe." Now I feel like I'm losing my girl cause she's supposed to believe me over everybody.

"Baby you know I would never lie to you." I looked at her with tears in my eyes. She wiped my eyes before they could fall and held my hand.

"Olivia you know I wouldn't lie either. I've been you're bestfriend since we were in diapers." I'm so irritated with this girl that I'm 2.5 seconds away from slapping her.

"Stop fucking lying girl. You don't love her cause if you did you wouldn't taken advantage of her girl. Your a fake ass friend and she doesn't need you. I just wish she could see through your bullshit like I can." Ebony rolled her eyes and I felt my blood boil.

"You don't love me either because you slept with her and you can't change that." When Olivia said that Ebony's eyes lit up and my heart sank to the pits of my stomach.

"Get out. Both of you. I don't ever want to see you two again." She whispered as she unlocked the door.

"Liv don't do this. It wasn't my fault and you know it." Ebony replied.

"I don't know a damn thing. Girl if you say one more word..." She lunged at Ebony and I grabbed her. I pulled her back to me and snaked my arms around her waist. Since she couldn't hit Ebony she hit me with all of her mite. Every blow went to my chest and they stopped coming cause her cries grew louder.

"I hate you. How could you do that to me? I am so done with your lying, cheating ass." She slapped me and Ebony gasped for me. My head snapped to the left. It stung like hell but I'll survive.

"I love you Liv. You know I do. It wasn't in my intentions for this to happen. Baby please don't throw 3 years away. I dont want to lose you. I love you so much. I can't imagine my life without you. Please you have to believe me. I'm your girl and your supposed to trust me. I need you to do that right now. Trust me." My tears are coming fast and hard like heavy rain from a thunderstorm. She's crying as well and when I try to wipe her tears away she hits my hand. She wipes her own tears and gives me a straight face.

"Im not throwing it away you threw it away when you slept with her. I honestly don't think she would take advantage of you. I don't think you can keep your hands to youself. So trusting you is out of the question. I'm done." I looked at her in disbelief. My own girlfriend didn't believe me. The one person I thought had the most trust in me doubted me. So, there was nothing else left for me to do but leave.
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