20. My own fucking alcoholic father

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The first thing I felt was a splitting pain in my head.

I hadn't had a sip of alcohol in months so I was regrettably out of practice, but last night it was simply sitting there. While Dale was showering Sherman had delivered it sheepishly. Unfortunately Dale hadn't gotten a drop since I downed all 20 bottles of beer within the hour.

I had a relapse.

It just felt so good!

Everything was foggy after the tenth bottle so when I felt strong arms around my naked body I groaned out loud. Great, I'd gone and gotten my ass pounded by some random inmate who probably wasn't clean. Right back to square one.

I knew for a fact these weren't Dale's arms, they were much to lean compared to Dale's muscly biceps.

The man murmured something incoherent and slid his hand down my back and over my ass, squeezing. I felt stubble graze my cheek as the stranger lent down next to my ear.

"Morning kitten," Wait, I knew that voice.

"M-Matt?!" I pushed his chest, attempting to push him away but had the opposite affect and my butt hit the cold floor roughly. I looked up from my place on the floor to see —for the first time ever— a messy looking Matthew

His coffee hair was tussled and had clearly been pulled on, his eyes looked showed every emotion all at once, Matt had scratches from my long nails all over his body just like hickeys. His whole demeanour was sexy messy. I almost drooled.

I just had sex with this angel and I didn't remember?! Why must god punish me?!

I groan and let my upper body hit the floor, the heels of my palms over my eyes. I know what this looked like to him. Matt probably thought I regretted whatever happened last night but I didn't, I regretted that it happened whilst I was hammered.

Most times this had happened I'd been thankful for the face that I was blind but not with Matt.

"Are you okay?" I was snapped out of my internal monologue with Matt pulling me up onto the bed again as he 'assessed the damage of fall off the bed' or in other words he had me face down on the bed and kissed my ass cheeks and hipbones better. I blushed furiously, burying my face deep into the pillow.

Matt crawled up the bed, smoothing his hand over my now pepper kissed ass. He caressed my spin with the slight stubbed and I shiver, it felt so good.

"You like that, kitten?" Matthew whispered into my purple hair and I hum.  This wasn't Matt. Matthew was stoic and not the type to talk dirty, but here he was, growling sexual things down my ear. "I know you probably don't remember last night but shit, I always will." Matt flipped me over so I was looking up at his hungry eyes.

I was confused as to how I got here, shouldn't Matt be appalled to have me in his bed, naked no less. Not to mention Amia. Oh, shit. Amia is gonna literally kill me, she is for sure capable of murdering one more person nice and slowly. Perhaps she'd torture me first before giving me the sweet relief of death.

I felt my heart beat increase as Imagined all the ways she could make my death slow and painful. Would Amia cut off my dick? My tongue? What about my fingers and toes like in Tokyo Ghoul? The thought made me sick.

Amia was seriously scaring when she was mad.

Her blue eyes seemed to actually catch fire. Not to mention that she was stronger then any other girl I've ever seen, I had literally watched her twist and fucking brake one guy arm when he grabbed her boob and the man was not to much smaller the Shadow. Honestly I'd of clapped for her if I wasn't terrified for my safety.

"You've been a bad kitten, trying to make me jealous with Dale." I was pulled from my train of thought by the growl down my ear.

How did Matt know about that?! Did I let it slip in my drunken state last? Probably.

Oh, god. What else did I let slip? Did he know how I got here? Did he hate me?

Obviously not, he was nipping at my hairless chest.

He had called me kitten before but that was when he was high on laughing gas and it was a cute way, now when he called me that pet name I wanted him to fuck me right now.

"He's not the only reason I'm jealous, Brendon. Do you know why not just jealous of Dale?" If I opened my mouth I'd moan at Matt's tone so I just shook my head. "That you weren't a virgin before last night. Far from it apparently." I gulped. I guess I had told him that as well, great.

"Wanna tell me who got to it before me?"

"Do you really wanna know?" I asked threw clenched teeth.

"Hmmm, kitten." Matt hummed. I'm pretty sure there was alcohol still in my blood because I would never —and I mean fucking ever— say this to anyone. I never had. It was a secret I always promised to take to the grave because he had made me promise to secrecy after it happened.

"My own fucking alcoholic father." The anger in my voice had no filter.

Matthew quit kissing the skin on my neck and chest as soon as the fiery sentence left my lips. After a few moments of silence —that allowed me to calm the heck down— the instant panic over took me.

Matt bit at my soft spot on my neck, my head was thrown back.

"I know you probably don't want pity, kitten," Matt was right, I never wanted pity on anything. It made me feel weak and like a poor child and I never wanted to be seen as something so useless. "So I'm gonna give you a choice; tell me to ease your conscience but risk someone's life because I'm pretty sure I'll loose my shit."

"Or?" I asked for the other option and hopefully it will be better.

"We continue making out." I new which one I wanted but it was different to which one I needed.

Okay so this chapter is a little short so I apologise for that but I'm putting a warning on this chapter and the next because as you can tell Matt and Brendon are gonna touch on some fucked up shit.

Updates will be a little slower then usual because school just went back for me so yeah, I'll still try to post at least twice a week!


¡Stay wicked!


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