7. The first sober person

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I plopped down on the sofa, crossing my legs and kicking them up on the low table between Shadow and I and the Therapist, Doc. Martin. She seemed to be nervous, I could tell by the way she could focus on one thing in particular.

Her blond hair was tied back in a tight bun and her lips were painted a nice shade of red.

Shadow sat on a separate couch from me, his legs parted in a manly stance and elbows perched on his knees. I on the other hand was lounging around like I own this bitch.

"Um, what can I help you with today, men?" She had a nice voice that made me smirk.

"You know, Doc, I'm gay but you could be an exception." I wink for extra attention. While the woman blushes Shadow growls deeply and the officers in the room take a step forward. "Don't worry officers, you won't be getting your daily porno right now, maybe latter though Doc?"

"Enough." Shadow commands and I cast a look over to him to see he was at the edge of his seat, gripping onto the arms of the arm chair for dear life. I smirk and blow him a kiss with a wink to settle him down. Shadow falls back into his seat, a blush kissing his sharp cheekbones and a scowl tugging at the corners of his nice lips.

"O-okay, um, w-what can I help with?" She interrupted. I cast a look down at her badge and read the name, Linder.

"Listen Linder, no offence but I really don't need to be here. I mean I love you and all, it's not you it's me, I don't think we're meant to be and other shit couples say when they brake up but I don't need therapy. I'm fine." I say, checking out my nails.

"Well, according to this file, I beg to differ." Linder held up a fold that read 'Cole Mason Case' my name. I raise an eyebrow when she opened it. "Grew up in with an abusive father who hurt both you and your mother, expelled from three schools for violent behaviour, long history of alcohol no drug abuse, being a high member of the gang 'Tigers', watching your parents be-"

"That's enough!" I lung forward, grabbing the folder from her pedicure fingers. I read over all the crap they had on me, every person I'd beaten within an inch of their life to stuff from my childhood. "How the fuck do you have all this shit?!"

"It's a long list, Mr. Case and not to mention the fact you have had how many trips to Juvy for extremely aggressive bar fights and conflict 'resolutions'." I thought this fucking therapist was supposed to be nice. I stand up and rip the papers into thousands of pieces, letting them fall like snowflakes to the ground.

I flash her smirk and head for the door.

"Fuck this." My wrist was caught by a big and rough hand. I was pulled down onto Shadow's lap and he nuzzled his chin into my hair. "Shadow, can you kindly fuck off."

"You're a violent baby, huh?" He mocked lowly down my ear so I was the only one to hear. "Be a good boy for daddy and behave." Shadow starts playing with my short blonde hair. "Where we Doctor?" He ignored my protests.

"Okay we know Cole should probably have anger management therapy but why did you ask to see me at three am this morning?"

"Cole is staving himself in some sort of fucked up way of committing suicide." Shadow says calmly, combing my hair back with his long fingers and I was trying not to let my eyes flutter close, I secretly loved the feeling of his fingers scratching against my scalp.

"Oh," Linder spontaneously spoke and I roll her eyes. "I um, I can prescribe some anti-depressants and have you, Mr. Hicks, supervise that he takes them and make sure he eats-"

"I don't need anti-depressants!" I but in, anger bubbling up inside me. Linder raises an eyebrow at me and cocks her head. "Look I've seen what those evil pills can do and I'd prefer not to take part in that shit."

"Oh yes I remember now, adding onto this list that you have previously destroyed, caring for your now Ex-boyfriend for the past four years. He had depression didn't he?" I look away to the door that I wish I could run out of right now. "You know I wonder, what was it like?"

She was just testing me now, I knew it. She was trying to see how long it took me to snap and attack her.

"I would imagine it must have been horrible. How many suicide attempts was it? Here it says two but on a different file it said three, so from someone who was there every time, how many was it exactly?"

"Six." I grumbled as I remember every. Single. One.

"Six! Wow! And what other things did you have to do for him?" She crossed her legs and rested her chin on her hand. "Did you have hide the knives?" I nodded with my teeth clenched. "And make sure he took his meds?" Again I nodded, my fists balling up. "Did this Mr. Jax Xander have nightmares as a side affects?" This time I could just barely nod my head while I focused on keeping my temper under control. "What types of ones?"

"Death." I answer with a strained voice. Shadow snaked his arms around my waist to keep me put. "He dreamt about me killing you if you ask me one more of your fucking question to ploy me into getting angry so you can classify me as a dangerous person because you are jealous that Shadow is kissing my neck as we speak-now you motherfucker, QUIT KISSING ME!!" I roared with so much anger to make Linder jump back and the four guards at each corner of the room take out their tasers as a warning.

Shadow bit down where my neck melded with my shoulder and I slumped down into his muscular chest with a moan. Shit! I stopped myself from getting into this again for like the fourth time in the past 24 hours by jumping up onto my feet.

"Forget this! I'm done! Goodbye!" I barged out through the door and bash immediately into something. I fall to the floor and I feel something land on top of me. "What the fuck?!"

"Oh my god! I am so sorry!"I opened my eyes to see the Japanese boy from the van yesterday blushing deeply and stuttering. He hops off me and offers a hand to help me. I take it and notice that the orange jumpsuit hung off his legs and arms. "I am so sorry!" He apologised again and I just chuckled.

"I'm literally the one who barged into you and you're apologising?" I laughed and the Japanese boy went bright red. "Cole," I introduced myself and held out a hand to him.

"B-Brendon, you're the first sober person I've met here." Brendon joked and I smirked.

"You're the first one that hasn't tried to get in my pants." I watched his face grow horrified. I felt arms wrap around my waist and lift me up, spinning me around in the air.

"Were you talking about me, baby boy?" Shadow whispered down my ear.

"Yeah I was, go fuck yourself." I cuss but Shadow just nuzzled his face into my neck because I apparently smell nice according to his 'skilled' opinion.

"I'd rather fuck you, preferably right now, but not in front of this little boy, I don't wanna let him see what's mine." I pride his arms off my body and flipped him off. I turn around to continued my conversation with Brendon when I feel a large hand on my ass, smirking I reach behind me and directed his pointer finger to the spot where my hole was covered by my jumpsuit and I feel his finger squirm against the fabric like he was trying to force himself inside me through my clothes before he squeezed my ass.

Brendon seemed to oblivious to what was going on behind my back and we continued to talk about our first days in this shit hold.

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