2. Also known as Leave-me-the-fuck-alone

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*Cole POV*

I wasn't expecting such a neat and tidy room but it was almost spotless. The bed was made and the small cupboard was organised, the bathroom was clean, that only meant the blood showed up brighter on all the clean surfaces.

I threw my stuff onto the bed as I contemplated whether I was alone in the cell or I just had a very clean cellmate and quite frankly I'd be happy with either. I lay all my belongings out on my rickety bed, a book, toothbrush and toothpaste, hairbrush and soap. Outside the bar window was the courtyard where all the prisoners spent their days until they were taken off to bed.

A siren came from the yard and a winced, the sound was like a dying cat. High pitch and fucking irritating.

There was shuffling and yelling coming from the yard so I assumed that the other inmates were returning to their rooms. I groan and notice the metal bar jabbed into the doorframe that connected the bathroom to the main cell. The iron bar had indentation in it in the vague shape of hands.

I cock my head. I had a cellmate that was for sure, but the man must be a beast. As if on cue the door opened and a red haired man walked in.

As I suspected he had biceps that could only be described as the size of tree trunks, his white singlet strained against his pecs and abs, his thighs were thick and so were his calfs.

The man had ginger locks that were combed back out of his grey eyes. His skin was tanned and covered in freckles, if he hadn't been more muscular then the rock he'd be like Nate Hope. A playful smirk twisted his face into a mischievous expression. He waved off the guard who seemed to be afraid of my new cellmate and closed the door, locking me in here with the beast.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here." He chuckled, leaning back onto the wall. "A blond teenage boy with a good body if I don't say so myself." The man coed down at me. I growl and turn back to my bed. Before I could react I was pushed face first into the mattress, one of the mans hands holding my arm across my back and the other above my head.

"Do not ignore me, twerp!" He yelled at me, his grip tightened on my wrists and they began to sting. "Do I make myself clear?!" I rolled my eyes but nodded. My cellmate got off my waist and plonked down on his tidy bed.

"Let's make some ground rules okay." The stranger began. "Touch my stuff, I'll kill you. Do not ignore me or I'll kill you. Snoop into my business and I will kill you. Leave you shit around and I'll fucking turn you to a pulp and if you touch me I'll kill you-unless I want you to touch me- got it?"

I groan inside before agreeing. My roommate sits up and faces me.

"They call me Shadow but you can just call me daddy." I grumbled at him, crossing my arms and rolling away from Shadow. "Are you gonna tell me your name or will I just have to keep referring to you as nice-ass?" I wasn't in the mood for this. I sat up, facing Shadow with a scowl.

"Cole Case otherwise know as leave-me-the-fuck-alone-and-stop-trying-to-get-in-my-fucking-pants." I honestly thought he was gonna lash out at me again but Shadow just cackled.

"Oh, you are a feisty one aren't you? I like them feisty, they always make the best sounds in bed." I growled. Shadow was right, Jax was like that. I shook my head of him and abruptly stood up. "Looks like I hit a nerve." Shadow mocked. I clenched my fists and ground my teeth together.

"I taking a fucking shower." I had to move on! But right now I just needed to detract myself from the aching in my chest. I ignored Shadow chuckling behind me and slammed the bathroom door behind me. Before I forced the water on I ripped of my jumpsuit, throwing it into the corner of the tiny room.

I hear Shadow saying something about wanting to join me but I just growl and rest my head onto the wall, shutting my eyes tightly and balling up my fists to rest on the tiles beside my head. I was a fucking failure! Screwing up not just my relationship with the love of my life but my life in a whole!

Nobody would employee someone who went to jail for attempted murder. Nobody would trust or love me, I'd be alone forever. No kids, money, job and all this because I was to stubborn to let Jax leave me and I ended up going psychotic. I wasn't about to blame this on anyone else, not Jax nor Ace just myself. I tried to kill him and that was entirely me.

If I could take it back I would. I so would.

I turned off the hot water that made my normally pale skin bright red. I tugged on my jail clothes, rolling up the sleeves to my elbows and running my hands through short blonde hair. Opening the door I see Shadow stuffing a bread roll into his mouth while sitting cross legged on his bed.

"Dinner got here while you were showering. I may have eaten a bit of yours." Shadow's words were masked with the munch of food in his mouth. I look over to my made bed and indeed half my food was gone. I didn't mind though. I wasn't going to eat anyways. I grab the yellow tray and put it on Shadows bed before getting into my own and rolling away from the beast I shared this cell with.

I hear him swallow his food.

"Are ya not gonna eat, leave-me-the-fuck-alone-and-stop-trying-to-get-in-my-fucking-pants?" I curse him under my breath but he hear. Shadow forced me to turn over onto my back, the bed screeching when his extra wait landed on it. He was grabbing my throat. "Look, nice-ass, I want to fuck you but as you can tell, I have a murderous temper. I suggest, unless you want to be on the other end of said temper, do not get comfortable with what you say around me."

"To answer your question, no I am not going to eat." I choke out. Shadow cocks his to the right and I squirm under his intense gaze.

"Why?" Shadow lets go of my throat but holds my arms next to my head.

"I am just not hungry." I replied with attitude. Shadow bared his teeth but soon calmed down.

"People normally say that when they have a eating disorder." He conducted. I tried to push him off my but there was no hope, he was just to strong. I did manage however to lift my upper body off the mattress but it was only pushed down again by one of his hands. One hand.

The other held both my wrists above my head. Shadow pulled down the zipper on my jumpsuit while stopping me from retreating from him. I panicked, he had just about pulled down my full zip. I kneed him in the balls with all the strength I could muster.

Shadow fell to the floor, groaning and holding his crotch. Knowing that once Shadow got back on his feet he'd murder me, I dashed into the bathroom, locking it and pushing my back up against the door.

"OH NICE-ASS YOU ARE SO DEAD!" Shadow yells from the other side of the wood that was saving my life. I was thrown forward, hitting my head on the basin when the door was ripped off its hinges. I lifted my finger up to my temple and they came back red.

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