Owl Delivery

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I hope this letter finds you. I've never used an owl to deliver my mail before, so I'm not really sure how reliable they are. I told you I would tell you everything about Hogwarts, didn't I, so here it goes.

It's a castle. The school is a castle. I couldn't believe it when I first saw. I'm sure my jaw dropped. How undignified of me. *laughs* Luckily, though, I wasn't the only new student blown away.

Anyway, I was a bit apprehensive of the sorting ceremony, since I had no clue how we were going to be sorted into our Houses (there are four of them, by the way: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin). It turned out that all we had to do was put on this ratty old hat and it would shout out where we would best succeed. Wherever the Sorting Hat chose would be the House we were to become a part of for the next seven years. The rest of our school career.

I'm in Slytherin. I don't mind, but I'd heard some people on the train saying that only the worst types of wizards get sorted into Slytherin. They can't be all bad, I'm sure, and it can't possibly be that every person from all the other Houses are all saints either. Maybe it just has of bad reputation because Salazar Slytherin left Hogwarts after having a fight with Gryffindor about a century ago.

Did I mention that the houses are named after the founders of the school? It truly is an amazing experience and I've learned so much about this place already. It has so much back-history. I wish you were here with me, though. I haven't made any friends yet because of my people problems and because I only arrived today. I'm writing to you and it's midnight already, so you'd better feel appreciated and write back.

I'm so excited for the classes; they start tomorrow. Transfiguration, Charms, Potions–I don't know how I'm going to comprehend it all. Luckily there's a real library here, and no, you didn't read that wrong. I did indeed write 'real library'. It feels so good to go to a school where they actually have a place for you to go and study if you need help or want to know more.

Fortunately, though, I'm not alone. There are many other children here who have been raised by muggles (non-magic folk) and therefore don't know a thing about magic. I'm glad I already studied some, however, since that at least puts me ahead of all the ones who know nothing.

Back to the 'friend' topic, you'll be proud to know that I've made a few...acquaintances here, during the welcome back feast (there was so much food!). I call them that because they are not my friends, at least, not yet. But have no fear; no one can take your place in my heart as my first and very best friend (no, that wasn't sarcasm). The names of these boys are Orion Black and Abraxas Malfoy. I wonder how useful they will be to me. They room with me and all the other Slytherins show them respect, so they must have some sort of higher status in this world. It's very confusing at times and I wish I'd never had to grow up in the muggle world...but then I wouldn't have met you, so I guess it wasn't all a waste of my time.

Reply quickly using the owl. I know it might seem strange, but just tie a note to its leg, or give it a letter. I want to hear all about your first day and how much you already miss me. *smirks*



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