Voltron: Allura x Fem! Reader

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This is for @Night_Rose_ !! Thanks for helping me get my motivation back!

I have to get away! Short, ragged breaths left your mouth as you ran. They told you that you were going to a new colony. Lies. It's was all lies!

You had been chosen along with Romel's brother to leave your home planet on the pretense of starting a new colony. But shortly after arrival, they had locked your group into a cell.

After watching Romel's brother die right before your eyes, you decided to escape. So, you memorized the pattern of the guards.

It was nighttime when you made your escape. You snuck out of the cell, ran down the halls of the prison, and out into the night.

It was pure luck that had fallen upon you. A Galra ship was leaving the planet. With much difficulty, you stowed yourself in the cases of quintessence. But it wasn't over.

The Galra ship was attacked once they reached the end of the galaxy, and the ship crash landed on a deserted planet.

And that's where they found you, the Blade of Marmora, that is. You may Krolia, who promised to take you back home.

But your home was no more. It had been destroyed.

Timeskip! You are now on Earth with the Paladins!!

There were many tears shed the day you landed on Earth. Some happy, most of terrible sadness. There were more Alteans, but Romel's brother was dead, along with the rest of your people.

That's how you met Allura. Oh Allura. How could you describe her? Shimmering hair as white as snow, eyes that held so many emotions. And she was so caring. There were countless times where you woke up screaming at night from memories of death. But Allura was always there to hold you.

You had grown close to the princess over your weeks on Earth, and would do anything for her. Which brought you where you were now. Hiding behind a trash can while being shot at by enemy Galra.

Gritting your teeth, you popped up and let out a series of shots from your gun, then ducked back down.

Then you saw something that made your heart stand still. A Galra soldier was sneaking up on Allura who was fighting her own battle.

You sprinted towards her, drawing out your dagger. "Allura!" You shouted. She turned just in time to see you collide with the soldier and thrust your dagger into his chest.

A strangled cry left your lips as the soldier's knife plunged into your stomach a second before he died.

"Y/n!" Allura screamed. She dropped to her knees and pulled you towards her, shielding you from harm.

"Are...are you ok?" You gasped weakly.

Allura shiffed, tears pooling in her eyes. "Thanks to you."

You smiled, "Good." You then gasped in pain as Allura stood up with you in her arms. "Shh, it's alright." Allura told you as she ran towards the base. The last thing you saw before you passed out were the princess's beautiful eyes filled with concern.

*****After the battle*****

"Y/n, Y/n. Come on, wake up! Please..."

Your eyes fluttered open slowly, and you were created with Allura's sweet face.

Tears flooded Allura's eyes and she hugged you tightly to her chest. "Y-Y/n! I'm so glad! You're safe!" She sobbed into your hair and you patted her back consolingly.

Before you could say anything, your lips were met with Allura's. She tasted like milkshakes and berries.

Eventually, you broke apart. "I love you, Y/n."

You smiled, "I love you too, my princess."

I finally updated! Yay!!!

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