Hetalia: Japan(Kiku Honda) X Famous Youtuber! Famous Cosplayer! Reader

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Kiku Honda, the personification of Japan, waited anxiously for the World Meeting to end. Germany droned on and on, occasionally interrupted by France and England's fighting. Kiku sighed in frustration, his dark eyes never leaving the clock on the wall.

Why was Japan in such a hurry? His favorite Youtuber/Cosplayer, NekoOtakuu-Chan(You), was scheduled to hold a live stream in an hour. Kiku absolutely refused to miss seen Y/n's channel. You see, our Small Japanese Bean idolized you. Your sweet, melodic voice, shiny h/c hair, and amazing talent at anything you do, made Kiku's heart stop every time he watched one of your video's. 

  "Japan....Japan......JAPAN!" Kiku snapped out of his thoughts to see China standing by his chair, hands on his hips. 

"W-what?" Kiku looked at his friend.

The older nation sighed, "The meeting ended, aru. It's time to go."

Kiku nodded and got up from his seat. Despite his unemotional face, Kiku was ecstatic. Finally! It was over!

Since this months meeting was in Japan, all Kiku had to do was catch a taxi back to his house. Kiku breathed a sigh of relief once the taxi dropped him off at home. The currently in-bloom cherry blossoms always relaxed the man.

He rushed into his house, hung up his coat, grabbed two boxes of Pocky, and flat out ran to his room. He then sat on his Black Butler bedspread and gingerly opened up his sticker-clad laptop.

Japan checked the time, three more minutes, he was just in time. He quickly logged on to his Youtube account, 日本の桜, which was Japanese for Japanese Cherry Blossoms. He waited with baited breath for you to start the live-stream. The exact moment you started it, Kiku clicked.

"Hey, hey HEY! Everybody! It's Y/n here! Wow! So many of you have logged on already!" You smiled into the camera, and Kiku nearly swooned. Your hair was in a high ponytail and you were wearing an Assassination Classroom t-shirt.

KIku opened up the first box of Pocky and settled down to watch your video.

You smiled again and started speaking, "I have a couple of super important things to tell you guys today! So hold off on those comments and questions 'till the answer period! Ok, first things first. I know you guys have heard me sing a lot, but that's mostly in English and sometimes Italian..... But! I have decided to have a poll! I will sing a song in Japanese that YOU guys pick!"

At you words, the comments burst into life. "Woah!" You laughed, causing a blush to creep up Kiku's neck. "Hold on! There are some conditions! The first person to comment in three minutes from riiiiiiiiiiight..... NOW, will get to chose! So while I talk be sure to comment!"

Kiku's heart actually stopped for a second, he had to be the one to request a song, he just had to!

"On to the second thing.... I got a new cat!" Your figure left the frame for a moment, then reappeared holding a tiny kitten. "When you guys drop comment down below on what you think his name should be!" The kitten looked up at his owner and mowed softly, causing Y/n to squeal and Kiku to blush from Y/n's adorable squeal. The kitten had black fur and......red eyes? Kiku was immediately reminded of Sebastian from Black Butler. And also....Gilbert(Prussia). The cat did have mischief in his eyes.

Quick as a flash, Kiku typed his comment, including the song and name. HE eyes his timer. 3........2.......1! He hit send, praying with all his soul that he would be chosen.

Your sweet voice brought him back to Earth. "Oooook! The winner is......" You patted your lap like a drumroll. "日本の桜!" Kiku literally fell off his bed. You chose him! And what's more, you spoke it in Japanese.

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