Ch.10 | a feast

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⚠️🍋 *Ahem... Lemon ahead* 🍋⚠️

*Your P.O.V*

It got too quiet, slowly being sunk into the darkness it feels suffocating!

My breathing became shallow as I tried to take in as much air as I can, hugging my knees and resting my back on the door.

The only source of light was from under the door, it was faint but I can at least see the outlines of my hand

"Waa!" feeling my whole body tumble backwards

"shit" I hit my head, like it needed more bashing ! I looked up when the faint light on my face was obstructed

"Jack ?" Faint whisper escapes my lips, his standing figure under the door frame seemed more intimidating from this low angle I'm seeing him from

"Aw !" He kicked me into the room as he closed the door behind him...where is he ? I can't see a thing!!

Suddenly I feel my face being cupped into strong hands ,the faint heat coming from his body gave me chills down my spine.

"Umm... ?" I simply muttered when his hold on my face vanished while the sound of clothes shifted which I can only assume he's getting up

I can't tell which way he went since his steps are quiet but his clothes are giving him away.


The lights turns on and I close my eyes from the sudden change, slowly opening my eyes to see Jack standing next to the light switches , he sighed softly taking his mask off placing it on the wooden table, looking around the room it looked like... a normal bedroom !!

Dark gray walls surrounded me with one big window to my right, outside seemed so dark with the full moon shining bright in the middle of the sky, a big size bed centered the room !

The floors were the same white tiles that was outside ,except these were a lot cleaner, a big dresser was to my left with a dark wooden door next to it

Jack shifted towards the bed where he sat down, placing his hand on his chin quietly observing my figure, even though he has no eyes his stares are really uncomfortable, I can never tell what's on his mind !

"So...w-wh" I was gonna ask about Jenny !! But screw that bitch ! I don't care what happens to her...I just ..hope she's okay ..n-no !! Y/N ! She doesn't care for you ! why should you ? I slap my cheeks with my hands a couple of times trying to knock some sense into my head

Jack's head tilts to the side "Are you gonna ask about Jenny again ?" He suddenly mumbles ! His voice still gave me goosebumps and scared me to death

maybe that's why he doesn't talk much ?!

"N-No !! I don't care about her" looking away

"what a strange human you are" he gets up and kneels in front of me, doesn't he know anything about personal space ?

"I have another random question in mind !" I almost whispered ,he tilt his head with a light hum

"will...this ever go away?" Looking at my arm, the visible black veins were rather concerning to me, my fingers are already pitch black

"can you feel this ?" He gently pinch my finger as I nodded, he nodded while holding my hand

"this ?" His hand squeezed lightly, the warmth from his hand seeping into mine "yeah" I nodded

"then you're fine" he sighed rubbing my forearm going up to my shoulder,and finally resting on my cheek

his thumb brushed against my bruised skin before he placed his hand over my left eye causing my heart to drop in panic !!

Eyeless Jack x Reader Dark |Completed|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt