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Ryan's eyes were watering at this point, he didn't understand what had happened, he was so lost.

"Brendon.. it's me! Ryan," he wiped the tears from his face, "look, you probably just um, I don't know, why don't you recognize me?"

Brendon frowned, "I don't know who you are, how on earth did you get my address?"

Ryan shook his head, "you gave it to me, Brendon I-" he sobbed, collapsing on the floor, "I love you!"

"Okay, um, maybe we met at some concert but I don't remember every fan, I'm sorry," Brendon didn't know why this kid was on his doorstep crying, but he didn't like it.

"Do you want some water?" He offered, unsure how he should approach the situation at hand. Ryan looked up at him and nodded slowly, his eyes soaked with tears.

"Okay, stand up," Brendon grabbed the boy's hand, lifting him off the ground with ease.

Ryan remembered the touch of Brendon, the feeling of his fingers laced with Brendon's. He couldn't forget that, what was going on..

"Here," Brendon handed him a glass of water.

"Thanks," Ryan sniffled, clearing his throat before speaking again, "you really don't remember me, do you?"

"No.. I'm sorry, like I said, I don't remember every fan," Brendon shrugged, thinking nothing of this. It wasn't the first time a fan had hunted him down in his own home, but there was a certain discomfort and uncertainty it brought. Honestly, when fans found his personal information, he was absolutely terrified.

"But I'm not just a fan, no, Brendon it was so much more than that."

"How?" Brendon didn't understand, had he said something to this kid to make him feel special and it had been taken the wrong way?

"We-" Ryan paused, what was he going to say? He couldn't say that they had been dating for months now, he couldn't bring up how they met, he couldn't tell him about everything they'd talked about and shared with each other. How would he make Brendon believe that he was someone he trusted, more than anyone.

"We what?" Then it struck him, one name that would bring it all back to Brendon, he would remember everything that they'd done and said and shared.

"Sarah, you told me about Sarah," Ryan said softly.

"Pardon me?"

"Sarah, you told me what happened to her," Brendon backed away slowly.

"Look kid, you don't know anything-"

"Stop calling me kid!"

"Brendon, please, you trusted me with your secret, what happened to Sarah, the story, her brother, everything,"

"I wouldn't," Brendon shook his head, "get out of my house."

"Brendon please- "

"I don't know who the fuck out you up to this but I don't know you, get the fuck out of my house!" He shouted.


"GET OUT!" He roared, Ryan felt so small, so defenseless, what was he going to do? There was nothing left to do.

"Okay," Ryan was scared now, he ran to the door and left immediately, speeding down the road on his bike, he rode towards school, he hated school.

School went by with a sinking, numb feeling weighing down in Ryan's chest. He had lost everything he loved, and at what cost? He couldn't find any positives in this situation.

"Hey, Ry, where've you been?" Spencer asked when he saw his friend.

"Nowhere," his gaze was glued to the floor.

"Oh," Spencer didn't know what to say, he didn't understand.

"Are we still on for tonight?" Ryan asked, hoping the answer was yes, because he needed a break after school.

"Yeah, I'll pick you up at 8 so we can go."

"Okay, cool, can't wait," Ryan said flatly. He really couldn't wait, but there was no emotion in him to express that.

So, they went to the movies after school, and that's where it all ended.

"Dude this is gonna be great!" Spence grinned at his friend.

"I know! I've been waiting for this movie to come out for months!" Ryan cheered as they entered the theatre.

The pair handed their tickets to the employee collecting ticket stubs. They pulled out their wallets and bought popcorn and various types of candy, then excitedly went to find the right theatre. They found the perfect seats, not too far from the screen, but not too close so their necks were in an awkward position.

Spencer rested his legs up on the chair in front of him, earning a scolding from Ryan.

"No ones sitting there though," Spencer whined.

"But someone might want to," Ryan protested, shoving his friend's legs off the chair.

"Is this seat taken?" An all too familiar voice asked, Ryan shook his head and Spencer told him 'no' without looking up.

"Okay, thanks," the figure sat down next to the boys.

The lights went out in the theatre and the screen lit up. After too much popcorn and a lot of jump scares, the movie ended and Ryan looked up to see who the mystery man next to them was.

"Ryan?" The man asked, his eyes wide with shock. It was Brendon Fucking Urie.

The end??

I think that wraps up this story, how was it?

QOTC: what's your favorite season?

Mine's Fall, so this is a good time for me yeet.

Anyways, enjoy this short ending chapter. Goodbye, and good riddance to this story... smh

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