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"Oh my god," Ryan muttered as he sat wide eyed in the unfamiliar bed. He could smell food cooking across the house, most likely from the kitchen, and he was definitely not at his own house.

"Good morning babe," Brendon appeared in the doorway, nibbling on a piece of bacon.

"Uh.. hi," Ryan muttered, his head feeling as though he had a million bricks inside.

"Here," Brendon handed him a glass of water and a couple pain killers.

"Thanks," Ryan said, sipping the water, "I'm never drinking again."

"That's what they all say," Brendon laughed, "Come on, I made you breakfast."

"You really didn't have to," Ryan blushed, "but thanks," he added with a light laugh. He stood up slowly and when his feet hit the floor, he cringed at the soft sound it made.

"That bad? Damn, how much did you even drink?" Brendon teased. Ryan just rolled his eyes and followed Brendon to the kitchen.

"How did I even end up in your house?" Ryan asked.

"You were drunk at some party Spencer was throwing and I came to pick you up," Brendon told him.

"Hm, thanks," Ryan said.

"I never thought of you as a partygoer, but I guess there's still a lot I don't know about you," Brendon chuckled.

"Oh, I don't like parties- I was just there because Spencer begged me to go, if it were up to me I would never have been there in the first place," Ryan corrected him. They ate the food Brendon had made, and decided to watch a movie since Ryan wasn't yet in the mood to do anything else.

"I really hope I didn't do anything too insane while drunk.." Ryan said.

"Hopefully," Brendon added, laughing softly.

Later on that day, once Ryan wasn't quite as hungover, they went to a coffee shop to drink coffee and hangout.

"Hi welcome to C- oh my gosh!" The girl exclaimed, interrupting herself. Ryan jumped at the sound, startled a bit himself, and Brendon gave her a strange look before she continued, explaining herself.

"You're Brendon Urie!" The girl exclaimed, causing a few other customers to turn their heads in curiosity.

Brendon nodded, and Ryan felt a twang of jealousy. He knew that Brendon had tons of fans (he was one of them), but it was still slightly annoying to see.

"Yeah, I'm Brendon Urie," he smiled, he probably got this all the time.

"Oh my gosh! Can I take a picture with you?" The girl smiled ear to ear. Once again, Brendon nodded and proceeded to take a picture with her.

"Who's this?" The girl asked with a sly smile as she looked from Brendon to Ryan.

"This is Ryan, he's a friend of mine," Brendon didn't need to say more, even just that led the girl to jump to conclusions and make assumptions about the pair.

"What can I get for you boys today?" The girl asked.

Once the two ordered their drinks and sat down in a booth in front of a window, they began talking.

"So, what are we?" Ryan asked, not-quite-so-casually.

"What do you mean?" Brendon definitely knew what he meant.

"I mean like, are we dating? Are we just friends who occasionally kiss? Are we friends with.. benefits?" Ryan smirked, "what are we?"

"Well, I guess we're.. I don't know, that's up to you," Brendon shrugged, "why do you ask?"

"I mean, that barista definitely ships it," Ryan nodded at the girl behind the counter, who was totally not taking secret photos of the boys to post on her tumblr later on.

"Ships it?" Brendon laughed.

"Yeah you know, like a ship, an otp, that kind of thing."

"I'm not following.."

"You seriously don't know what a ship is?" Ryan chuckled.

"No...? Is it some new internet slang?" Brendon questioned.

"How do you not know what a ship is?" Ryan was laughing really hard now, practically falling out of the booth.

"I dunno, explain it to me?" Brendon asked.

"Okay so like a ship, it's when you have two people who you want to be together and you, I don't know, you want them to be dating or whatever," Ryan did his best to explain.

"So what the hell is an otp?" Brendon asked.

"One true pairing, it's like your favorite ship," Ryan told him.

"Do you 'ship' us?" Brendon raised an eyebrow.

"Well I mean- I don't think that's how it works," he shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't think you can really ship yourself with someone," Ryan shrugged.

"Oh, well if you could, I'd ship us." Brendon chuckled. Ryan blushed at that.

"So.. you want to be with me? Like not just friends?" Ryan stumbled over his words, his cheeks heating up.

"Yeah, that would be nice, but think about it; we can't be together, it's like Romeo and Juliet but instead of our families keeping us apart, it's society all together. I'm practically double your age, and that's not okay, so I don't know Ryan.. I don't think we can date." Ryan hated it when their age gap was brought up, it made him feel small and uncomfortable.

"Oh, yeah, I mean, I guess you're right," Ryan looked at the man, "but we can still do stuff.." he moved his hand to Brendon's side of the table and rested it next to his, "in private, right?" Brendon smirked at that.

"Only if you want to," he agreed.

"So that mean you want to?"

"I'm not saying no, am I?" Ryan grinned, it was better than nothing. The barista came up to their table and handed each of them their coffee orders.

"Thank you," Brendon and Ryan said in unison. She just made a shrill squealing noise and walked away, probably still star struck by Brendon.

"How do you deal with fans all the time?" Ryan laughed as the girl left.

"I just go with it, take a picture, sign something, you know. I've gotten used to it, so it's not all that weird anymore. It's just.. normal, you know?" Brendon said.

"Yeah," Ryan nodded along with his words. They drank their coffee and continued their conversation about ships until it was time for Ryan to get back home. His mom would be wondering where he'd been all night, and he was debating whether or not to tell her the truth.


Sorry kiddos, I forgot to update... a lot

WeLL I hope this little experience was good enough to make up for my inactivity haha

I'll probably sneak in a smut chapter soon as well ;)

QOTC: What's your favorite Brendon Vine?

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